Episode Eleven

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Wally and Dick stood on the edge of the diving board looking down warily.

"Maaaan, that's a long way down." Wally stuttered, peeking over Dick's shoulder.

Rewind to ten minutes earlier.
Dick and Wally came to a stop at a gas station across from an amusement park with an intricate water slide set up. Giving each other a wicked grin they crossed the street to the park. Being superheroes they got free admittance. Within no time the two had changed into two newly purchased swim trunks. Dick's being black with blue stripes on the sides and Wally's red with yellow accents. Wally wore one of Dick's domino masks to conceal part of his facial identity.
Now they stood at the very edge of the tallest diving board there. Both were suddenly regretting doing this, however, they had to maintain their superhero status. Grinning evilly behind Dick, Wally shoved his best friend over board. Screaming and flailing his arms Dick hit the water with a delicate 'plop!' Wally frowned as the logistics of that wasn't quite right, though, he just shrugged and followed suit. He hit the water with a huge 'splash!' sending giant waves of water over all the other pool occupants. A few small children screamed as they were swept onto the edge of the pool.

"Eek! It's a flash wave!" A little girl squealed as she was swept next to her mother's lounge chair.

"Immaalive!" Dick sputtered as he reached the surface.

"Not for a long." Jason's voice rang out above him.

"OH CRAP!" Dick and Wally screamed, doggy paddling their way to the opposite end of the pool.
Roy walked up behind Jason and aimed an arrow at them. He lowered the bow slightly, shooting the arrow into the water. The pool instantly turned into an electrified pit, cooking the two boys within it.

"AHUHAHUHA!" They screamed before floating atop the water.

Timothy and Damian appeared above them on the high diving board still in their superhero costumes. Dick shouted in gibberish as he twitched uncontrollably in a failed effort to swim away. His friend had recovered partially and swam over to Dick. Unfortunately it was too later as Tim and Dami jumped off the board simultaneously. They hit the water hard, creating an enormous tidal wave that swept the other two boys into Roy and Jason.

"I'MDROWNING!" Roy screamed as he clung to Jason.

"DUDEGETOFF!" Jason screamed back, trying to push him off.

The mini tidal wave pushed them back to the concession stand by the pool entrance. Roy caught sight of the cotton candy on a stick and instantly felt better. Scrambling to his feet he began to collect the available fluffs of sugar. If only Mr. Queen could see him now, stealing candy from an amusement park pool. Jason flipped himself upright and snatched the last cotton candy before Roy could secure its delicate wisps of fluff-il-ized sugar.

"Give it!" Roy whined, grabbing at the cotton candy.

"Make me." Jason taunted with a smirk.

"You, immature, little son of a bat!" Roy exclaimed, "Gimme!"

"Never! It's mine!" Jason declared, shoving the majority of cotton candy into his mouth.
Roy gasped in horror and hugged his cotton candy tightly as if to shield it from Jason.

"You monster!" Roy gasped, going wide eye behind his red mask.

"Yes, I am." Jason replied smugly.

While they began to fight over the cotton candy Dick and Wally were fished out of the water by Timothy and Damian. The effects of the shock was quickly wearing off on the two older boys though they pretended they were still hurt. Eventually they decided to get up before Timothy and Damian tried to do something evil to them. The whole lot of them were heading to the Batmobile when suddenly the park security showed up their stun guns. People gathered behind the guards as they waited for the heroes to make their moves. The boys took one look at the stun guns and began screaming hysterically. Dick jumped into Wally's and nearly knocking them both down. Jason hid behind Roy while Timothy and Damian tried shoving the other first.
Suddenly one of the security guards' cell phone begin ringing, playing the Superman them song.

"Um, hello?" The man said, answering the phone.
After a moment he turned pale and glanced up at the boys.

"Uh, Mr. Nightwing. It's for you." He said hesitantly as he held the phone out.
Dick jumped out of Wally's arms, much to the latter's relief, and cautiously walked over to the man.

"Hellllooooo?" Dick said into the phone.
Upon receiving an answer on the other end he blanched.

"M-m-mother! Hi, hi, hi, hi. H-how are you? Good, yeah. Me too. Heh, heh." Dick stuttered.

"Of course, Mother!"



"Yeah, okay we did."

"Lying is such a strong word."

"No, Mother! Please! I'm sorry."

"Well, yeah, but- "


"No, no, no, no, no, no!"


The called ended and Dick handed the phone back to the guard with a shaking hand. He walked over to the other boys and relayed the message.

"Mom, is coming to get us!" Jason exclaimed, waving his hands around.

"Holy crap! Catwoman is coming?!" Roy Boy shouted, "I'm outta here!"

"Me too!" Wally said.

Roy hopped on Wally's shoulders and the two sped out of the amusement park parking lot leaving the brothers to deal with their situation alone.

"TO BATMOBILE! GO! GO!" Jason shouted, pointing to the ominous black vehicle.
The boys hurriedly piled into the all terrain vehicle and strapped themselves in. Jason and Dick took driver's and passenger seats while Timothy and Damian took the two back seats.

Sometime later, around two in the morning, the boys rolled into Hollywood, California.

"Where's the Hollywood sign?" Dick whined.

"It's in L.A., you idiot." Jason replied.

"What?!" Dick exclaimed, "Are you kidding me?"

"No. I'm serous. And no, we're not driving down there just to see the dumb sign." Jason said.

"But Percy, Annabeth and Grover could be there!" Dick shouted, shaking Jason's shoulder.

"Oh, give it up, Dick! They aren't real." Jason sighed dramatically.

"Are too." Dick pouted.

"Whatever. Let's go find Scarlett Johansson." Jason muttered.

Five minutes later the boys were utterly bored with Hollywood. For the most part it was just a town, of course it had its cool landmarks. Still it wasn't half as grand as what they had conjured up in their minds.

"This sucks." Dick grumbled as he crossed his arms.

"I dunno. There are a lot of cool stuff here." Jason replied, looking out the top if the windshield.

"Let's go to Honolulu." Dick suggested boredly.

"Seriously?" Jason asked, glancing over at his big brother.

"Yeah." Dick said.

"Why there and not some town in Alaska?" Jason asked.

"I don't want to go to a cold place." Dick whined.

"Well, I don't want to go to a pollen infested island!" Jason exclaimed.

"Hey," Dick said, suddenly alert, "I haven't heard Tim and Dami for awhile."

"Holy crap! You're right. Massive they're dead." Jason mocked.

"Oh, shut up and pull over." Dick said.
If only they knew just what they were getting into by simply pulling over. And discovering.  .  .

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