DOTS series

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Liam POV

"I love yo" Jessie whispered I saw the blood running down her mouth. "I can hear your heart bre..." She say then I felt her head hit my chest.

The demon king floated down to the ground

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The demon king floated down to the ground. Josh rush over to me I didn't want to move I felt the tears run down my face.
"Don't leave me please" I whispered to Jessie.

I got up and held Jessie in my arms her body was lifeless. Suddenly a beam of light shot down on her and her body flowed up into the sky and started to disappeared. Leaving behind flower petals then blew away in the wind.

Suddenly two lights beam down and started to take form. Everyone watch the light take form it was if a woman and a man.

"Mom, dad" I whispered my mom run towards me and hug me tightly.

"Let's finish this first" my dad say and we got ready to attack the demon king and his army.

I look around but I couldn't find the king. "Retreat" one of the soldiers shouted and the army retreated.

"What the hells going on?" I say turning around to my parents.

My grandmother, Josh, Tess and Angel and my grandfather.

"There isn't much time Liam use your blood jewel and summon Jessie body before it disappear" my dad say.

Everyone looked at me I pulled out my sword throwing it into the air and chanted the words Jessie told me to. I felt my body floating into the air I open my eyes and saw the sword floating upright in front of me. I reach my hands out and it floating directly into my hands. I grab it and threw it down to where my family was standing. 

It landed right in the middle of the circle their formed. "Come to me mystic charm" I whispered. The charm floating into my hand and I held it tightly.

"I summon the lady of the demon realm I order you blood jewel obey my command" I chanted throwing the charm out my hand.  I felt a gust of strong wind and flower petals flying around in the air.

The flower petals started to form in front of me where the mystic charm was floating. The petals started to take the form of a human then all of the petals disappear revealing Jessie hand in front of me.

 The petals started to take the form of a human then all of the petals disappear revealing Jessie hand in front of me

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I reach and grab it and pull her body to me but she wasn't alive. I place to mystic charm on her hand.

I'm floated down with Jessie body in my arms.

"I'm so sorry" Tess say

"we have to hurry if we are going to save her" my parents say in Union

"The mystic charm has part of her soul trap in it we can save her using that" My queen mother say

"Let's hurry but you must know before we do this she wouldn't wake up anything soon. Her soul must first become one again with her body she has to get her hold soul back to be awaken" my father told me

"How do you mean?" I ask them both of them look at each other.

"Wait do you mean she will be like the woman in the ice that was in the palace before" Josh ask

"No she will not be in ice nephew but she will not wake up she will be in a very deep sleep" my father told us

"She will sleep for one thousands moons" my grandmother say

Vampire king and Demon Ice princess DOTS series Where stories live. Discover now