DOTS series

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Jessie POV

"So how do I get back" I ask him
He didn't really tell me much he only told me that josh was his really close friend and the woman in the bedroom was his grandmother. Also he was the vampire King and Josh was a prince. I didn't really care for any more information cause I knew everyone was either crazy or mad.

I just wanted to go back with my work mates. "You have to stay here for the night" Liam told me

"Umm am why?" I ask him
"We aren't sure if you can go back the space and time portal isn't for humans it should of killed you. But it' didn't any I'm afraid it may this time" Liam told me.

"Honestly I don't remember anything after waking up in the bed" I told him

"I guess it an effect" he told me

"I want to take you for a walk around the realm but I have business I need to take care of first" Liam told me

Really I just wanted to eat but I never been inside a palace before even if it's a dream or I'm going mad. I still wanna enjoy this weird dream before I wake up.
"That's alright" I told him

"I will leave a guard with you" Liam told me and suddenly a guard appear. He was wearing regular clothes but had a sword around his waist.
Liam walk off and leave me alone with the guard."what are you?" He ask me suddenly.

"You have a sweet smell to you" he say his eyes turn red and his fangs appeared. "Where a stake or a cross went you need one " I ask myself .

Run following the hall path I kept running till I reach a door. I didn't wait back I push it open and run out. I found myself in a room and may I add a very strange room. There was a woman in ice laying down she looked like she was dead. Or either in a very very deep sleep I didn't think twice I walk up to the ice she was in.

What could go wrong by touching a woman in ice? most likely I could bring about the end of the world most likely. If I was lucky I would wake up from sleeping who knew.

I touch the ice and it started to shine then i heard a cracking sound. I looked at the woman but she was fine I looked around the room but I didn't see anything. Then again and again and again I kept hearing the cracking sound. I reach my hand out and there were millions of cracks on my hand all over my other hand also.

I back up and I hit into something I turn around and saw a mirror I looked into it and saw flash backs of what looked like the future or past I could really tell what. There was this one moment that had me there was this dark red ball it felt like complete evil. I saw me a dark shadow hide Liam and he was about to kill him. I screamed out "Liam, Liam behind you " to him. He didn't turn around the man was about to kill him. Suddenly I saw myself running out of a door and rushing Liam out the way Josh cut of the shadow's hand it disappeared.

The version of me fall to the ground holding my stomach. Liam and Josh run over to me and Tess was there also. The version of me she touch Liam face her hands were bloody. Liam kiss her suddenly the mirror cracked.

"Was I just in the last? Where the hell was I?" I ask the woman in ice.

"Your me, I'm you wake you princess"the voice say I touch the ice again.

Suddenly the door to the room flew open Josh, Liam, his grandmother and grandfather rush in. "Don't touch the iccce " Josh shouted.

I had already touch the ice this time it breaks and the woman inside open her eyes. "I'm you and your me wake up" she told me.

She got up and walk towards me I backed up as she step closer and closer to me. " I'm you and your me wake up" she say again this time she was right in front of me.

I couldn't back up anymore I was up against a wall. She kept walking towards me she reach out her hand and it was like I couldn't control mines. My hand started to move on its own. Pulling itself towards her's "help" I screamed. Josh run towards me but something stop him and he fell to the floor.

"Let it be my children" Liam grandmother say.

The lady that was in ice she was fading she looked like she was. My body suddenly pull closer to her's and it was like it was pulling her life force into me. Finally it she disappeared "don't fear me, we are one she was my life force a part of me that was once last. She is your future wife the queen of the realms your queen Liam" I told him.

Vampire king and Demon Ice princess DOTS series Where stories live. Discover now