Teach Me How To Be Sexy, Mr Barakat (Jack Barakat, Teacher/Student Fan Fiction)

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Thank you for the cover Riot;) 


"I have to hurry." I muttered to myself, barging through people as they crowded over some fight or something but I didn't care because I had to get to class. For a 16 year old girl; grades were all in my mind. I needed to pass everything to get a great future for myself but nobody seems to care because they would rather get drunk or laid for that process. People have told me to 'loosen up' but I will when I'm older with a great job that I love but right now I don't want to do that. I held my books close to my chest and looked down minding my own business. I checked my watch and found out I only have two minutes until the second bell goes meaning if I don't get on at time I will have to go to detention and I've never be in there before and I don't want to.

20 seconds to spare and finally I walked into class and sat in my chair at the front of the class in the corner beside the window. It was only Religious Education and I didn't care because I don't need it. One of my choices was already full so they put me in this class but I didn't mind it because he was a nice teacher, Mr Clarke.

After that class it was lunch time and I saw down on the table and started eating my packed lunch that I made at home and waited for my three best friends Alex, Zack and Rian. Soon they all came in with their tray of food and Alex sat beside me while Zack and Rian sat opposite. We all said hello and I blushed at Rian making kissing faces to me because I have this insanely crush on Alex but I would never go out with him because 1) he probably doesn't like me back, 2) he thinks me of his best friend- actually sister and nothing else and 3) he has a girlfriend called Lisa. "What are you doing Rian?" Alex asked him as I giggled.

"Uh-nothing just sees what the kissing noise sounds like," Zack and I looked at each other and then to Rian laughing.

"Rian you have a girlfriend, I'm sure you know," Alex said and he stayed silent making Zack and I laugh more.

"So did you guys see that fight that was happening in the corridor before lunch?" Zack asked everyone changing the subject.

"Wait with Cameron and Matt?" Rian asked and he nodded his head. "Oh my gosh it was crazy." He said.

"I didn't see it but Cameron has a broken nose and Matt has a black eye," Alex said and we all nodded our heads. "Anyway, are you guys coming to Lisa's birthday in a month?" he asked and the guys nodded their heads but I stayed silent picking at my salad. "What about you Carly?" he asked but I shook my head.

"I have to study," I simply said.

"But Carls you can stop for one night and I'm sure Lisa will want you there." Alex said and we all scoffed.

"Face it Alex, she hates me and even the guys know too," I said looking at Rian and Zack as they nodded their heads. "Besides, I'm like the last person she wants to invite. She probably doesn't want me there and look I'll ask." I said as I saw Lisa with one of her friends walking towards us. Lisa gave Alex a quick kiss as I felt a pang of jealously but I ignored it and she said hello to everyone except for me, instead she gave me a glare but Alex is too oblivious to it all and smiles. "Lisa, Alex was telling me about the party and I was wondering if I can come?" I said and she looked at me.

Teach Me How To Be Sexy, Mr Barakat (Jack Barakat, Teacher/Student Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now