Chapter 2: The lost hero

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" Even the best fall down sometimes,
Even the stars refuse to shine. "

After helping the citizens of Atlantis from a sudden onslaught of the greatest battle in the history of the city, Apollo ( god of prophecy and oracles, music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease, and the protection of the young ) and I are now going back after the success in our quest.
We were now in front of the Stargate as what the royal family and citizens call it but for me I just call it portal or Duat.
The King together with his family gave me a token of thanks in the means of a bracelet that has a lightning bolt, a sun and a red ruby called " The Heart of the Phoenix ".

Guess this is it Apollo! When we get back in the camp I'll give you back your freedom and in the process fulfilled my promise in restoring you to your throne.

Wouldn't you miss me? Because I would miss you and your nick name for me.

Well, come to think of it I'll miss your coffee and jumping to your aid because well, technically your like "A damsel in distress" Amy was saying it while doing a qoute mark with her fingers.

Apollo was blushing so hard like a ripe tomato while the royal family and the crowed are laughing.
You know next time I will be the one saving you, just wait for it.

Yeah. . . Yeah almighty sun god! but before that I'll restore you first to your throne.

Why cant she fall in love with me? Grumbled the fallen sun god on his mind. I'm Apollo for Zeus sake! I'm a sun god and that's not all I'm also the gods of medicine, music and prophecy.

Unbeknowest to Apollo Amy is not blind not to notice Apollo's feelings for her, its just that she doesn't know how to reciprocate it.

He did not listen much to the send off speech for his mind was still occupied of his thoughts about his return and feelings for the daughter of the sea god.

The people cheered there heroes and wave and bade them farewell and good tidings in there journey back to there land. The portal had finally open and the two were now excited to get back home. After the final good-bye and wave they step in the portal and started there walk back.

Inside the portal it was eerily quite so Amy started talking to start a conversation just to ease the creeping sensation she felt.

You know while we were in the battle I was told by the enemy soldier that he saw my future.

Really? Apollo look at her and wait for her to continue.

He said "I'll be born again and every thing I know will be sealed away". Can you believe that? Me, Be born again? I look at Apollo with an expression of dumbness and disbelief while laughing, which the sun god though was cute. Oi! Apollo why are you so serious?

I was just thinking of how cute you are even though you look dumb, and yes I'm serious because that guy has my blood. He is giving you a prophecy right before I killed him.

What the hell! Amy had a disbelieving look as she curse her luck for having a new prophecy. . . Can't they leave me alone.

Apollo just look at her and give her a sad smile while his heart is breaking from watching at the tired demigod in front of him.

Come here. He called to the said demigod.
The demigod trace two steps back to him and ask why but he did not answer her instead he yank the necklace and the Atlantis bracelet from her.

"Merlin's beard Apollo!" what was that? Why did you yank my necklace?""

Apollo did not answer thinking that his not entitled to answer her question whilst transferring the Heart of the Phoenix in between the twelve amulets that represents the twelve gods of Olympus. He divided them according to there power and tie it back on Amy's neck. Next he put his name on the bracelet with the sun drawn on the letter O of the Apollo and give it back to the daughter of Poseidon.
Call me in your dire need by pressing on my name, where ever I am, whatever I do, even if I'm talking with my father I will stop everything I do and come to you. I swear on the river Styx.
Even in the portal they heard the thunder that sealed Apollo's oath to the young beautiful demigod.

Wow thank you Apollo! But what's the catch?
Catch? There is no catch except that I wont let you die.
Wow thank you so much *note the sarcasm*

Apollo's eye twitch at the sarcasm but he let it pass until a thought has occur on him. He give the girl a devious smile while wiggling his eye brows in a suggestive manner.
Amy look at him with a narrowed look. Why won't you take me to paradise? Apollo ask her grinning as he watch the girl reacting like a gaping fish while counting 1 . . . 2. . . 3 waiting for her to catch on his drifting joke and expected for her to kick him for being a pervert. What he did not expect was to be scolded.

Bloody hell! Apollo did anyone in Camp Half blood ever told you not to mention the "P" word? Amy scolded - shouted at Apollo with a horrified expression on her face while waiting to be attack by Merlin knows what.

Do I have to apologize for what I don't know? He ask with annoyance in his voice.

Just shut up and walk faster so we can get out of this portal.

They continue walking in silence but Amy was starting to be wary at her surroundings and Apollo felt it without looking at his mistress. He did not want it one bit but he learned from his experience to always be wary and ready especially if you just did something that can cause a certain powerful demigod to be scared. Even the surroundings had change in sinister calm as if they are holding there breath from an impending attack.

Did you see the light? Were almost there so try to relax your with me.

Don't jinx it. Before Apollo could give a comeback he was pulled harshly by Amy inches a way from being a slice by a sword.

Well what have we got here? Oh. . . The little hero and her ward the fallen sun god. The man in front of them look old with a long beard and he was wearing a long sleeve with black coat and black sunglasses. His voice is old, raspy and full of malice.

Thank you for that short speech old man but we really need to go. I'm craving for a coffee and a relaxing bath so please excuse us as your in our way.
She talk to the old man as if she was was discussing about the weather, but inside she was creep and shivering. The " old prune " , that's what she is calling him, look at her as if she was dumb who is not aware of who he was. He chuckled and said, Apollo you might want to introduce me to your companion, but to the surprise of the two Amy poured the contents of the water bottle on her head and without a word throw the sun god two steps away from the portal gate.

Run Apollo! Tell Chiron what happened here. I will take care of this old prune.

No Amy let me help you. Don't do this, you don't know who he is and what he can do.

I know who he is and what he is capable of so I command you to go and save yourself. Apollo look at her with pain, sorrow and disbelief. No matter how conflicted he is the young fallen sun god cannot disobey the orders of his mistress. So he reluctantly turned his back on them but before he can move all hell break loss.

A hell hound out of nowhere bounded at me while a cyclopes tried to pick Amy but she side step the hands of the cyclopes and swipe him with her sword hence the cyclopes had evaporated into a golden dust. When she turned around she threw her dagger at the hell hounds neck before it can sink it's teeth at my face. I push the hell hound away from me and scampered to the portal gate. The old triumvirate leader was furious. You will pay for saving that damn god Poseidon's brat. Apollo turned to look back while stepping at the portal gate and what he saw took his breath away.

The old prune pick me up with a vice like grip on my neck and hurled me to oblivion like I'm a rug doll. I was falling. . . falling into nothingness in the vast landscape of darkness. I was thinking of my life, my family, my friends, would they miss me? Would my twin miss me? I thought of my father the sea god and ask for forgiveness for being hard on him at times. I ask him that if I die he would bury with me my extendable charmed satchel, my necklace, bracelet, coffee and pizza. Yup you read that right, what can I do I love pizza and coffee *chuckling*. I close my eyes and lost my consciousness.

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