Chapter VII - Or So I Thought

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^^ Cutie Vigo <3 (I don't know who's this kid though)

Brooklyn's POV:

                My whole body ached like hell, my muscles strained, and my shoulder is still fucking limp. I already got it back in place but it still hurts. I popped a few advils to ease the pain, and it was already past eleven when I realized that it was Saturday. The kids are going to be here in an hour and a half, so I still had time to prepare the place. Erin and Amy are going to arrive 30 minutes earlier than the kids, so I have one hour to fix my battered face. I limped to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror – ugh, fuck. I look like a freakin' wreck. I thought I was gonna fight some weak wanna-be punk who just watched too much UFC and wanted to experience being in the ring. Hell, if I knew that I was actually gonna be faced with some sleazy motherfucker with the strength of a fucking battalion, I would've chosen another day to go to that pub.

             I opened the shower and waited for hot water to come out. I hissed when it hit my bruised skin, but after a while it almost felt heavenly. The water soothed my aching muscles, and I let out a contented sigh. I reached for my blueberry scented body wash, and proceeded to slather the soap in my body. After spending atleast 10 minutes in the shower, I got out and grabbed one of the fluffy towels. I got dressed in my usual black long-sleeved turtleneck shirt to hide my tattoos and bruises, and matched it with blood red colored skinny jeans that hugged my waist. Hopefully the kids won't notice that I look like shit. I proceeded downstairs, and fixed the canvasses and paints that the kids will be using in today's session.

               My mind drifted back to the events last night, my heart started pounding at the thought of the guy who beat me. As much as that guy was weird, he was also hot as hell. Yeah, the inner gay boy of my bisexuality was secretly drooling over Mr. Crazy Asshole. His muscles had freakin muscles, and he sported an 8 pack. Who the fuck has an 8 pack these days? The guy must've been in the gym 24/7. There was also something about him that was calling to me like a beacon. It's like some sort of magnet, each time we touched and grappled I felt tingles on my skin that sent shivers on my body. I only caught a glimpse of his eyes, but when I did, his hazel orbs gazed at me longingly, and he almost looked happy. I swear I also saw his eyes turn gray and his pupils turn into slits, much like a wolf's eyes, but I think that was just the lighting playing with my eyes.

                But damn, with his looks I bet he's banging chicks left and right. His dick was the bomb, I mean I haven't seen it yet but the way he rubbed it on my ass last night -- I'm sure the man got a huge fucking pipe of steel under his boxers. Fuck, my face heats up to epic proportions when I remember how he practically molested me in front of everyone last night. Tsk. I really should have kicked him in the fucking balls. Well, I won't be back in that place any time soon anyway, so I don't really need to worry about seeing him again.

Or so I thought.


Zelios's POV:

                Fuck. I'm so fucking excited to see him again that I'm practically vibrating with happiness right now. So his name was Matthias, and he lived near the beach, a couple of blocks away from the town's diner. I was on my way to pick up Vigo from Dominic's and Uncle Caleb's house, which was a only a few blocks from the pack-house. Most of the time they're at the pack-house, but Uncle Caleb got this house built for times when they wanted some privacy. Heh, I'm sure he only wanted some place where he could fuck Dominic into oblivion without holding back.

                     Anyway, when Dominic told me last night that he knew where my mate lived, I almost took off and ran after him. But Uncle Caleb stopped me in my tracks, and told me that I'll really come off as creepy if I stalked my mate back to his house at one in the morning. I thought about it and realized that he was right -- I might scare him off more. Hades reluctantly agreed, though we both couldn't sleep last night. The feeling of our mate's body on our skin could not be put into words – it just felt so perfect. I would trade everything just to feel him on me again.

"Uncle Z!" Vigo happily called out, as he ran to me and hugged my waist. Dominic and Uncle Caleb were trotting behind their son, and both greeted me with a smile. I lifted him up and threw him in the air, making him squeal in delight. This kid is absolutely adorable, but damn he's getting heavier each day! He's only five, but his body is that of an eight year old. I'm sure he'll take after Uncle Caleb in size when he grows up.

"What's up big guy? Ready for your art class?" I asked him as I carefully put him down. He beamed as he looked at me and then nodded. He went back to his parents and hugged them goodbye.

"Be good, pup." Uncle Caleb patted his head and kissed his forehead. Dominic smiled lovingly at his grumpy mate, whose personality seems to turn soft as pudding when it comes to him and their son.

"Yes daddy! Vigo's always a good pup!" He exclaimed. It's adorable how he talks about himself in third person.

Dominic patted his head and also pecked his son on the cheek, and then bid us farewell. He went all mother hen at me again, telling me to be careful driving or there would be hell to pay if something happened to their son.

I buckled Vigo next to me and we went on our way. He held his cute little Transformers backpack full of snacks and drawing materials as he glanced out of the window.

"So, can you tell me about your teacher? What's he like?" I decided to interrogate him on the way; I thought I might get some useful information on how to get my mate to like me.

"He's so coooooll! He taught us lots of stuff like mixing colors and drawing shapes. He's very kind too!" He beamed. Hades puffed out his chest in pride, as Vigo praised our mate. I smiled at the thought of him, the beautiful badass fighter, being surrounded by adorable little kids calling him "teacher".

             We arrived at his place 20 minutes later, and I saw some of the pack members who were also dropping their kids off for their art class. We parked right outside his house and I picked up Vigo from his seat. My nerves are starting to set in. Jesus, I hope he doesn't kick me out or fucking flip upon seeing me. Well, I'm sure he won't cuss me out in front of the kids. Hehe. Playing dirty, I know.

                      We proceeded to enter the door, and his scent immediately assaulted my nostrils. It was just so mouthwateringly good, like fresh blueberry and vanilla. I saw my mate standing in the adjacent room to the front door, and god he looked so damn sexy. He was wearing a black button up shirt and red skinny jeans, paired with a cute pink apron. He was busy fussing over the kids so he didn't notice me. I noticed his two helpers, Erin and Amy, who nodded at me and greeted me through the pack link. I nodded back at them in acknowledgement.

                  Hades was practically prancing inside my head, wanting to get closer to our mate. When the kids settled down, he finally noticed me, and I saw as his eyes went wide as saucers. I grinned at him and winked, as he frowned and glared at me. I thought he was going to cuss me out on the spot, but then a little kid tugged on his sleeves and got his attention. Vigo rushed inside the room, and that's when I saw his expression soften and smiled at my nephew. Oh goddamn. I wish I could be a toddler right now so he'll smile at me too. Okay, I don't really want to be a toddler, but I'll do anything to make him smile at me.

"What are we gonna do today teacher? I'm so excited!" Vigo beamed at him. He crouched down so he was Vigo's height.

"We'll be making landscape paintings!" He answered with a smile. He then continued, "Where's your daddy Vigo?"

"Oh! Uncle Z is the one who dropped me off today!" He said as he pointed at me.

"Uncle Z, this is Teacher Matty. He's awesome, right?" He glanced up and swiveled his head from side to side.

"He's awesome alright. Super...fuckin'..awesome" I replied, the last few words were merely a sultry whisper which could only be heard between the two of us. My eyes were locked on my blushing mate whose expression returned to a glare. If looks could kill I'll be 12 feet under right now. Oh fuck. Even his glare is turning me on. I needed to clear my head.

I can't get a fucking boner in front of all these innocent kids!

A/N: Whattchuu think about this chappy? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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