Chapter III - Colors

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^^ Nick Bateman as Zelios


              Caleb and I went to see the guy, Matthew Smith, who was offering art classes for kids. His house was located near the beach – it was a nice blue and white house surrounded by a white fence. We stepped on his porch and then I proceeded to knock on the door. I was startled. I didn't hear any shuffling or footsteps when the door opened. And mind you, I have a wolf's hearing. It's either that this human is extremely light, or maybe he's just used to walking without a sound. 

               For his manly name, he actually looked quite...feminine. Almost the same height and build as me, but has a much more pale skin. He was wearing a maroon turtle neck long sleeved shirt and black skinny pants. I noticed how green his eyes were, and how much his dark hair complimented his facial features. I also saw tattoos which covered most of his hands, and the black earrings in his ear. He has a bit of a scruff in his face, which adds a bit of masculinity in his appearance. Wow he looks so badass. I heard a growl beside me, from my mate Caleb of course, and he had the most unamused look in his face. He must've heard what I thought of. Possessive much? I may be in love with you and only you, but I still have eyes you know. He still huffed to show his annoyance. I just raised my brows at him and brushed him off.

"Matthew Smith?" I inquired. He gave us a confused look.

"That would be me. And you are?" He answered and smiled at us.

"Oh, we're here to inquire about your art classes. We uh – saw your poster at the diner and thought we'd like to enroll our kid." I glanced at Caleb and back at him. Caleb just nodded. I hoped that he picked on the fact that we have a kid, as in Caleb and I, to see if he had problems with same sex couples. He just beamed at us and opened the door wider. That's a good sign, I guess.

"Is that so? Oh I'm sorry, come in!" He ushered us to the sofa. Before we sat, he shook our hands as we introduced ourselves. For such a lean guy, he sure had a strong and firm grip.

"I'm actually from New York, but I decided to move here since it's more peaceful." He smiled, then continued, "So what's your child's name?" He happily asked.

"His name is Vigo and he's 5. Seriously though he's out of hand – I mean he's a really hyper kid. I hope you don't mind."

"I'll be really happy to have him! If you could also let him bring his friends here, that would be great. Kids work better when they have somebody to work with."

"Yes, I think the other kids would also love to be in your art class. We'll contact you soon." I stood up and bid my farewell. He smiled and thanked us and walked us out.

Over all, he was a nice guy. I didn't sense anything malicious about him, so I guess it was fine to let the pups in his art class. He said he'll be also hiring some helpers to have more eyes looking over the kids. There was just one thing I found a bit unusual about him...and it's the faint smell of blood.


Living in hell all my life, I never thought I would ever be this happy. I have 15 kids in my art class, and we meet for three hours every Saturday morning. And damn, they're completely adorable! I hired two helpers, Erin and Amy, who were both high school students looking for a part-time job. They're actually Marco's niece and nephew, and I was happy to have a few extra hands to help me with the kids. Today I asked them to draw a picture of their families, and surely, the kids are having fun.

"Tea-thser! Tea-thser!" Mimi, the little girl with her two front tooth missing (that's why she can't pronounce the 'T') called out to me.

"What is it Mimi?" I asked.

"Lookie! I drew mama and dada and me!" She beamed. I looked down at her drawing and noticed she drew two dog-like creatures and her in the middle. I chuckled; her imagination is so wild that she drew her parents as dogs.

"That looks really nice Mimi! But why do they have a tail?" I asked her curiously.

"Dada and mama are wolf! Mama is brown one, and Dada is black. Mimi become wolf someday too!" She smiled at me, showing her missing teeth. I just smiled back. Really, kids nowadays have really awesome imaginations.

"That's awesome Mimi! Keep up the good work!" I patted her head and she giggled. I proceeded to look at the other kid's work.

I walked towards Vigo. He seemed to be enjoying coloring his drawing with colored pencils. I looked down to see his drawing, and saw nicely drawn wolves. This kid actually have talent, he's what they call a prodigy. For his age, he could vividly imagine and draw things.

"Are they your pets, Vigo?" I asked. He shook his head and pointed to the smaller wolf with golden fur. "This mummy..." and then proceeded to point at the bigger one with grey fur, "And this is daddy.."

Seriously, what's up with the dog/wolf thing?

I heard Erin cough and Amy smiled at me nervously. "Ha-haha! K-kids right? I mean, pfft, they must be really close with their pets or something to think of them as parent figures." Erin said. I noticed a bit of nervousness in his voice but I decided to ignore it.

I just shrugged and smiled and patted Vigo on the head for a job well done. I let them post their drawings in the art board, and bid them goodbye as they get picked up by their parents. I smiled as I put little star stamps on their drawings, indicating that they did really good.

I can't wait to see them again next Saturday.

A/N: Things are about to get interesting in the next chapter! Keep reading! :)

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