"That's awesome!" I raised my eyebrows, noticing their relationship growing faster than expected. "You'll have a blast"

"I feel like I'm eight years old" she giggled, "I'm really excited"


"Tomorrow we celebrate the birth of Jesus, keeping in mind that we are all lucky to be where we are today" the pastor spoke through the mic. "We've worked very hard this year, we raised money for the homeless to buy gifts for the families less fortunate than us. Our gift wrapping station at the mall sky rocketed, thankyou to everyone who volunteered. Today is not only special because it's Christmas Eve, but will hold a very sentimental meaning for years to come. Why? You ask? We'll show you, Tyler and Jenna, please come up to the stage"

I stood up confused, Tyler's hand still placed in mine as we walked down the aisles. Everyone's eyes were glued onto me, Tyler somewhat already knowing what was about to happen. My palms were clammy and so seemed to be Tyler's, my anxiety peaking at what was to come.

"Play the video" the pastor informed, all of us turning to face the projector, Tyler releasing his grasp from my hand. I stood confused as I stared at the white screen, eventually, Tyler appearing from the side, his body being centred on the camera. I looked over at him next to me, his eyes still stuck on the screen as he smirked.

"The day my world changed was the day I saw the new girl working at my local coffee store" Tyler spoke in the video, his stance jittery and nervous. He was wearing one of his favourite shirts, always turned inside out, somehow suiting him nicely. My lips parted in disbelief, watching as the boy on the screen continued to speak.

"I was somewhat bored in my life, looking for something to complete the missing piece stuck inside me. I don't know what came over me, but I instantly felt a connection with her, even before speaking a word. Finally, I stood up and said something, determined for her to like me. At the beginning I could tell she wasn't that interested in me" he chuckled, "but I'm glad she stuck around. She has the smile that could cure cancer, enough beauty to lighten the sky without the sun. I fell in love with her instantly, she was literally a perfect fairytale. I didn't understand how I deserved her kindness, I didn't deserve the way she treated me. I broke her heart sometimes, the pain we both endured was something I wouldn't put on anyone. She believed in me when I felt like no one could, and she never let us part"

The speakers let out a deep sigh from the video, him looking down from the camera.

"That girl was Jenna"

Tears fell out of my eyes with ease, my makeup rolling down with it. I didn't care about what I looked like, it was like nothing else mattered, like no one else was in the room.

"I don't know what I'd do without her, she knows what to do to make it all feel better, even just the sound of her voice could calm me. I love her, with all my heart, and that's why I'm doing this"

The whole audience gasped as the video faded out, the tears flooding my vision. I didn't understand what they were reacting about, my body turning to Tyler who was supposedly standing beside me.

But he wasn't.

Tyler Robert Joseph was kneeling on one knee, a box held in his hand, revealing a diamond ring glistening in the lights. My whole body jerked in surprise, my hands covering my mouth in disbelief. He smiled, his smile being what drove me in the most. Tyler's hands were shaking, but he tried to hide it with struggle, still trying to hold a confident stance.

"Jenna Black" he began, my head shaking, trying to figure out if it was all a dream. "We've only been dating for a few months, but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you"

"Tyler..." I gasped, my sobs escaping

"I knew from day one that there was something special about you, your positive energy just intriguing me to find out more about you" he pursed his lips, "I asked your grandparents for their blessing, they said your parents would be so proud of you, and they're here tonight" he pointed out, revealing my grandparents smiling like idiots. I cried even more at the mention of my parents, watching as Tyler squirmed in comfort.

"Before I end up bruising my knee" He chuckled, "will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?"

I let out a violent breath as I nodded with no words being able to escape, watching as he slid the ring on my finger. It was perfect, everything that I liked was made into the small jewel.

"Yes, yes, oh my gosh, yes" I finally made out, wiping the tears away from my cheeks. Tyler watched as I cried, his smile being the happiest I had ever seen. "Kiss me dammit" I laughed, Tyler quickly leaning in to share an embrace. the whole event didn't feel real, this was never what I expected my life to turn out to be. Everyone applauded in the church, Josh and Debby being caught in the corner of my eye, both of them squealing in joy.

"I can't believe this, I love you so much" I cried into Tyler's shoulder, his arms wrapped around my waist.

And in that, Tyler didn't say anything, and he didn't have to. I already knew what he was thinking, and no words could explain the feeling pitted in my stomach. Through thick and thin, this was us,

we were one



There will be a sequel, idk how many times I've said that but yeah

Also I met my friends brother on Sunday at church and we've been talking non stop and my friend is already low key shipping it

Anyways, adios for now amigos

~ Viella

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