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Jenna's POV

I surprisingly really did enjoy that night out with Tyler, even though I tried not to express my amazement. His voice was breathtaking, and even the other songs he covered took me into another dimension. But I wasn't going to tell him that.

Later, as we drove in silence towards my house, he asked me for my feedback. Of course, me being the person I am, I kind of put him down.

"It was alright, the music was... Different" I replied, obviously seeing the disappointment in his face immediately. What he didn't know that it fueled me with so much energy, I was so tired by the time I got home. By the time we got to my house, we quickly exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes, his crooked teeth being exposed once again.

"I'll see you later Jenna, hopefully next time I'll impress you so much you'll have nothing bad to say" he chuckled, eventually driving his car into the distance. I smiled, clenching my phone in the palm of my hand. I could already feel a relationship growing, but I could only sense but to push it away. I wasn't going to put my trust into anyone anytime soon, especially not someone I met a few days ago.

The next day as I got ready for the day, I heard the soft buzz of the door bell ring. It struck me with surprise as no one ever visits, and my grandparents were both out for the morning. I quickly rushed down the stairs and unlocked the door, only to reveal empty air in front of me. I sighed, almost closing the door before I spotted something peculiar on the welcoming mat.


They were neatly arranged in a pale pink box, a ribbon tied around it, sparkling in the sun. The variety of flowers put together was gorgeous, each petal softly laying upon each other.

Roses. My favourite flower, being the main flower in the range. I smiled, wondering who could put something like this on my doorstep. As I picked it up to bring inside, my eyes noticed a small card placed neatly on the side.

Dear Jenna,

Who doesn't love roses? I'll see you at church tomorrow,


Somehow I was flattered, usually if I was in this situation, the flowers would be in the garbage and the guy would be blocked, but for some unknown reason, Tyler's persistence to know me wasn't at all uncomfortable for me. And I can't help but to say I may want to get to know him too.


"Did I weird you out?" Tyler chuckled, startling me as I walked through the front gate.

"What?" I asked, turning to meet the same guy wearing his well known black skinny jeans and vans.

"The flowers" he coughed, scratching his shoe around on the concrete.

"Oh yeah totally, I think you're a total stalker, get away from me you psycho" I giggled, the sarcasm gliding out of my lips with ease. His shoulders relaxed as he laughed along, his hands slowly coming out of his pockets.

"Well I'm glad you came today, did you come with your grandparents?"

"Yeah, but they found their friends and kind of left me to do my own thing" I sighed, twirling my finger around the necklace clipped around my neck.

"Well no need to fear, Tyler is here!" He announced, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. The sudden touch caught me off balance, but I jokingly pushed him off me as I stood up straight.

"Why'd you push me off?" He asked, his smirk still visible

"Cause I don't need your arm around me" I snarked, sticking my tongue out in response.

"Well what about this?" He chuckled, grabbing my hand and intertwining his fingers through mine easily, as if they fit like jigsaw pieces. I immediately pulled away, slapping his chest as I giggled.

"Nerd" I remarked, his laugh echoing through the outside courtyard. Before Tyler could reply, the boy with the purple hair came up, Josh being one of the only people I remember.

"Hey Tyler!" He yelled so loud everyone could probably hear, "oh Jenna! It's awesome to see you again"

"You too" I replied, watching as the two boys in front of me fist bumped.

Before a conversation could even begin between us, the church doors open, a bunch of enthusiastic leaders welcoming every individual in. As I began to enter, I felt Tyler tap my shoulder.

"You know what I'm gonna start calling you?" He smirked

"That's a bit random" I snorted, "but I really think you should just call me Jenna"

"I'm going to start calling you Bella" he smiled, totally ignoring my statement. My eyebrows furrowed, confused never the less.

"Why?" I eventually replied, my eyes finally meeting his.

"Because it means beautiful, and you are the most beautiful human being I have ever seen" he smiled hesitantly, grabbing my arm to guide us to a row of seats.

I didn't reply, only accepted the comment. The weirdest part was, I didn't mind it.

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