twenty four

765 40 16

Song of Chapter: Kiss Me Slowly by States // Capitals

Jenna's POV

As December 1st came around, I couldn't help but grow excited to see Tyler finally open my gift for him. What amazes me the most, is that I somehow managed to keep Tyler's birthday gift a secret, I even forgot I planned it. the gift was too special to not keep it as a surprise, Josh and Kelly helping me on the phone as I wasn't capable of sorting it out myself. I was surprised Tyler never questioned me, possibly because he didn't expect anything. I had gotten the impression that Tyler wasn't one to celebrate his birthday as some should, just treating it as another day.

"Josh said he got the package and he's making sure Tyler doesn't see it until tonight!" Kelly smiled excited, the anxiety of it not arriving in time falling off my shoulders. I hadn't spoken to Tyler all day, the tour being put on a pause for the moment.

"Hey Jen" Maddy smiled, walking into the room. Tyler's whole family was gathered at the house, all getting ready for Josh to FaceTime us for his birthday cake. "How's things going?"

"It sucks" I giggled, "I'm still processing the fact that I have cancer, even after a few appointments I still can't think of it" the words shook out of me strangely, I felt as if I wasn't allowed to say it.

"You're doing great though, I'm so happy you found it early"

"Me too" I sighed, "I couldn't imagine what it'd be like any other way, the chemotherapy sucks though"

As we both made our way to the couch, we were met with Jay, who was already screaming at the basketball match playing on the TV.

"Jay, are you replaying the same game you watched yesterday? You already know who wins?" I laughed, watching as the teenage boy bounced around.

"Shush Jenna!" He yelped, his eyes still glued to the screen. Maddy laughed as she wrapped herself in the blanket, the cold air biting our skin as snow started to fall. Ohio didn't seem to have the pretty white snow like you see in movies, it just seemed to fall and melt, making the streets look like a sad icy mess. Well, here at least.


Tyler's POV

"Happy Birthday to Tyler! Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone sang, Josh propping up the iPad that displayed my family, everyone excited to see me blow out the candles. We were sitting outside at a small campfire, the benches being so dirty we had to cover them before placing anything on top.

As I blew the candles out, everyone cheered, Jenna popping a party streamer in the living room. I chuckled at how pure she was, her skin still glowing even though her circumstances. Her smile ripened her cheeks as she watched the streamers fall over her, Everyone clapping unevenly. 

"Open mine first!" Josh announced, jumping over a log to get to me. I chuckled as he passed me a poorly wrapped gift, The tape falling off just from the cold air. As I ripped the paper, a white cutout singlet sat folded in my palms, the phrase 'Josh, you're out of the band' being emphasised on the front.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter, our inside joke becoming so far it was a daily phrase. Josh sat in his spot swinging like a child, smiling as he applauded himself.

"I love it" I said between my laughs, Placing it down carefully. "Thanks man"

The whole crew put together a big birthday card, giving me gift cards for numerous places. I didn't expect so much love from everyone, people usually gave up as I was too hard to get gifts for. I didn't expect anything from anyone, but I could never stop them. What surprised me the most, was how Jenna squirmed in her seat as she asked me to open hers. I was confused for a moment, Her smile obviously hiding something. I stared at her through the screen wide eyed as she giggled, Josh placing a small parcel in front of me. 

"You got me something?" I croaked lightly, looking down at it stunned

"Of course I did! Thanks to Josh and your mom" she giggled, "Open it!"

I impatiently ripped it open, a small jewellery box revealing itself to me. As I opened it, a long chain fell in front of me, the charm at the end revealing a small metallic cross. As I inspected it in greater detail, I noticed at the back was an engraved word, perfectly etched.

 As I inspected it in greater detail, I noticed at the back was an engraved word, perfectly etched

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It was such a simple word, but held so much meaning. Something so small could hold the entire universe and we wouldn't even know it, and that's why Jenna knew it was perfect.

She knew me so well 


Next chapter will make up for so many short chapters...

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