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You know how I was saying how I went up on stage and was a host before the sermon? Well I got a message today saying they want us to go up with the original hosts every friday and do it with them and learn from them so we can be the hosts when we become leaders! I'm super stoked because our pastor told us all how much he loved us up there and even told me I was a natural and wanted to see me doing more in the ministry! It's so overwhelming but it honestly feels like I'm getting somewhere in my life.


Jenna's POV


Everything was happening so fast in a way it made my stomach churn. I found myself waking up anxious of what was to come. It wasn't like I was frightened of Tyler, I trusted him with everything, but I was frightened on what was to come. I had butterflies at the thought of the future and I honestly couldn't piece together where we would be in even a year. I've always been one to worry too much, and I think Tyler is catching on.

My grandparents were ecstatic that I was moving out, not because I was finally getting out of their hair, but because I've apparently finally met the love of my life, according to them. It's weird to think they've known Tyler longer than me, always seeing him help out every Sunday at church. But they could never possibly know him the way I do.

It wasn't hard to move all my stuff to Tyler's, especially when he got all the boys to help manoeuvre everything. Mark tried to make up an excuse to get out of it, but Tyler forced him to come out of the house for once. Josh and Tyler's family even came out to help, his brothers being the first to step in. Tatum and Maddie helped me pack my room, it didn't take long and only filled a few boxes, giving the boys some ease. We were practically done before late afternoon, all of us gathering for lunch in Tyler's backyard. Or shall I say, our backyard.

"I still don't understand why you all came out to help, I hardly have any stuff" I giggled, I hadn't really gathered many stuff in Ohio, and only really bring the necessities up, but I guess clothes build up quickly.

"It's Sunday afternoon. We go to church and that's it, we don't do anything" Zack laughed, "however, we did go to the earlier session so we could come here, so you kinda owe us"

"We don't owe you anything!" Tyler butt in, "I'm the eldest, you owe me my childhood freedom"

I watched as Zack rolled his eyes before cuddling into Tatum, The sizzle of the barbecue ringing in my ears. Josh insisted on barbecuing, not letting me do a thing. Though, I did in fact sneak in a salad I made. It was a bit chilly outside, but none of us seemed to mind. There were clouds covering the sun, yet it wasn't too dull for us to not have a good time.

The laughs and conversations flowing throughout the patio made me smile, this felt like family, a family I enjoyed.


"Jenna, love? I need to tell you something" Tyler walked into the living room from the kitchen, my body sunk into the cushions as I watched the soap opera on the screen.

"What's up?" I asked, finally looking over as he stood above me.

"Well, me and Josh, we've finished our album..." He sighed

"That's awesome! Regional At Best will really take off, I bet" I smiled, earning no reaction from the boy in front of me.

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