Stay Or Go

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Cas and Dean were cuddling on the couch in pj's, they were going through pics. "Wait Cas who's that" he pointed to a pic of baby Cas. Cas giggled "its me" ha laughed "Cas that's a boy". It hit Cas harder than a rock "i" Dean gave a strange look "you what". "Oh Dean i didn't tell you yet" dean was confused and sat up. She bit her lip "D-dean i'm i'm " she took a deep breath " i'm transsexual". dean's eyes widen and his mouth fell "but you i you you didn't tell me all this time how long where you gonna hide this!!!!!" Dean didn't even know why he was yelling "Dean i just it never got brought up and it shouldn't matter i'm a girl now and love is love". "maybe thought telling your lover you use to be a dude mattered!!!" she looked down and tears were forming in her eyes. "Ugh i don't even know if i'm being a dick ugh i just want a break i can believe this ughhhh!!!"  She nodded and started crying. Dean did feel bad but he needed a break a time too cool off from all this bull shit"

*after a couple days*

When Dean opened the door Cas was snuggled on the couch with Deans coat deans shirt his boxers even his gel. He sighed it was 2 am he picked her up bridal style and walked up the stairs and laid her on the bed. He pulled his jacket off her and put the covers over her and kissed her head.

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