A Hard Moring

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The bright yellow sun came in the windows blinding Cas. Cas sat up and groaned stretching and looked at the time "FUCK FUCK FUCK WORK" she climbed over dean grabbing anyone's clothes a this point.Dean sat up "Cas u cant just go to work like that" she looked at him "why not." He got up and whipped her lip "you have cum everywhere." she bit her lip and looked down blushing "fine ill call in late" she sighed. "Do u mind-" "Yo dean" Sam barged in and his mouth fell seeing naked Cas. She tried covering herself but it was no use. "Dammit Sam what did i say about knocking get out! " he walked out covering his crotch and blushing. Cas smiled at dean "sweet brother" she chuckled. Dean smiled and nodded "yep hes a pain in my ass." Cas blushed slightly "umm may i use your shower." "sure its over there and maybe i can join you?" Cas smiled and nodded and walked to the bathroom door and dean behind her.

  Cas opened the shower tap as warm steaming hot water came out of the shower head she got in and dean held her wait and rocked her as the warm water it them. "Dean your making this a chic flick" he chuckled "no this only appeals to my baby" he kissed Cas neck up her jaw, Cas moaned softly and nodded. After cas had got cleaned by dean she kissed him and smiled " i'm gonna get changed for work OK love you." He nodded and spanked her before she went. 

  She went in his bedroom and pulled on her panties and wore her skirt but took on oh his dress shirts and blue ties and then she saw it there was a a beautiful tannish trench coat she smiled and grabbed it putting it on."bye dean i'm going for work" there was a silence and then "love you be safe" she smiled and walked to the living space bumping into Sam. Sam smiled "hey so you are?" she smiled backing looking up at him " i'm castiel." Sam nodded "sweet well um i know your brother hes a dick" Cas started laughing like crazy. Sam looked at her confused "what?" Cas held her stomach"sorry its just Gabe likes u a lot omg this is so funny" Sam's eyes widen "really' he turned red. Cas grabbed her purse and keys "yes so go get him tiger" cas smiled and closed the front door. Den hoped the last two steps and scared Sam, Sam jumped "jerk" dean chuckled "bitch". he grabbed toast in his mouth and ran out tugging his shoe on.

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