22. Forgive and Forget

Start from the beginning

But who am I to judge? I'm trying to break them up and take her boyfriend. And then I have feelings for her ex but I don't know how I feel about him now. This one incident shouldn't change my entire thought of him but it's not something I'll forget. Him grabbing me this one time doesn't change the fact that I think he's a sweet, charming, extremely tall idiot; but I know now that when pushed to the edge, he'll lash out.

I don't need to be thinking about him right now. This is supposed to be my time to relax and clear my mind. I know I can't avoid him forever so I need to figure out what I'm gonna do about all of this.

*Luke's POV*

As I drove to Avery's place this morning, I was rehearsing various apologies in my head. She looked so upset when she stormed out of my house yesterday and she hadn't responded to any of my texts. I just want to make sure she's okay and let her know how sorry I am.

I arrived at her place and walked up to her door and rang the doorbell. I waited for about a minute before ringing it again. I rang and knocked for what seemed like the longest before I finally gave up. If she really wants to come to school she'll ride her bike. Maybe she just doesn't want to ride with me and I totally understand that.

Since she's not reading my texts, I wrote out a note and stuck it under the door knocker and headed back to my car. I sat in it for two minutes before pulling off in case she decided to come out after all.

I arrived at school a few minutes later and headed in after parking. It was much different not having her by my side. Before, I didn't mind being here because I got to spend time with her. Now, I'm dreading the day and I can't wait for it to be over.

My plan is to go to her place after school and check up on her. I know she probably doesn't want to see me but I can't keep carrying on without knowing how she is.

I walked into my first period just as the bell rang and took my usual seat in the back of the room. I slouched in my chair as the teacher began to speak.

I sat through the lesson zoning in and out. I couldn't get Avery out of my mind, no matter how hard I tried to focus. I can't stop thinking about how hurt she looked and how she may never think of me the same again.

I can't do anything right. I repeatedly cheated on my now ex-girlfriend, hurt the girl I've developed feelings for, and lunge at my best friend. I'm a terrible person and I deserve all the shit I'm going through right now.

After class, I headed to my second period, making sure to avoid everyone, especially Ash. I'm not in the mood to really talk to anyone.

"Luke." I heard someone say my name. He's definitely the last person I want to talk to.

I groaned and turned around. "What do you want, Devon?"

"Dylan." He stated.

"Same difference." I rolled my eyes.

"Where's Avery?" He asked. "I didn't see her this morning and she's not answering my texts."

At least I'm not the only one she's ignoring.

"I talked to her this morning and she said she's not feeling well." I lied.

He glared at me for a few seconds and crossed his arms. "I don't believe you."

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