"Dominic!" I hissed out.

Dominic waved me off. "Really Charlotte, it was for a good cause."

Levi looked at him for a moment then nodded. "Can't disagree with you there. Still pretty pissed that we agreed to let you and Leo scramble our damn brains up, but I guess it was for the best."

"It was," Dominic said with a softness in his voice. "Fate has her reasons."

"How is Lander?"

Levi stiffened as his beast stirred. He shook his head–his hands rubbing his tired face. " As good as I could expect–he has good and bad moments. Claire has been more or less locked up in their room, David's been a big help with Lyle, and Evangeline–" Levi paused and looked over at Ethan. "You need to see your sister. Lyanna needs Evan right now and Evangeline is, well she's going through a hell that believe me–you don't want to experience."

Lucas winced a little as Levi finished. Ethan sighed and looked over at me then back at Levi, his beast conflicted on what to do.

"Ethan go," Dominic said. "I am here and is Lucas. We can all come tomorrow and meet you, Charlotte said she wanted to go anyways."

"Can I?" I asked Levi.

He nodded. "I think both Lander and Claire would like that, as would Evangeline." He looked over at Lucas who was scratching his head awkwardly at the mention of Lander's name. "You too son. It wasn't your fault Lucas. Nothing can fix silver."

"I should have just stayed where I was, it wasn't supposed to be this way–"

"You don't know that," Levi rushed out. "It happened and we can't change it."

"We could open the portal back up dad?" Lucas offered. "We could open it up, I could go–"

"No!" I bit out, my beast barking out wildly at the thought. "You're not going anywhere."

"And we sure as hell are not opening the damn portal up," Levi added with hard eyes. "We don't know what will come out of it son. We were lucky that there were others on the other side protecting it, but we may not get so lucky next time."

"Levi's right," Ethan sighed out. "As soon as Bernard gets back, we're burning that damn tree down."

"You say that like you've tried?" I asked, my eyes flickering to Ethan's.

Ethan shook his head and pushed some of my hair back. "Not without you, I've been here with you sunshine. Besides, we don't know how that tree will react with all that blood on it. I would feel better about doing it if the witches are here."

"Probably smart," Dominic said. "When will they be back?"

"I think in a few days," Ethan replied. "It should be alright. I doubt they will try anything right now. Aurelia was hurt, they used up a ton of bloodstones–I don't even know if they have more to do it again with, and all those texts she was using are here."

Levi nodded in agreement. "We need to see if there are any more doors left, but for now you need to have that tree crawling with warriors."

"We do," Ethan quickly replied. "Jake has been on it."

"The rock?" Lucas asked.

Dominic leaned back in his chair. "Split in half. Before the witches left, they said it was useless now."

"Good," I said with a nod.

Ethan was staring at the end of the bed, his brows furrowing contorting his face in pain before he looked up. "Evan," he said quietly. "He–I need to go see her. She's not good."

The Blood-Book IIIWhere stories live. Discover now