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A/N: Okay, I realized how rushed the last chapter was towards the end and I'm sorry, but I had to go to bed or else I'd never be awake to write this little, itty bitty chappie. This is now going to be in Nathan's POV, so... yeah. Enjoy! -Someday

"It'd be the best for you." Her father said harshly before slamming the front door shut. What a bastard. What a coward. What a cowardly motherfucking bastard. And I was even acting polite and formal to that piece of shit! Fuck him.

I've never felt rage like this, and even to my goddamned parents I'm never this angry. But I guess that was because I couldn't afford to be angry at people I loved. I mean, I could care less about my step father, but my mother needs me. Even if she's completely clueless and rat house crazy sometimes, I love her still.

And I love Monica. She's my best friend and I'm hers. Right now she's crying and I have to do something about it but I can't do it now when we have a bastard of a father to deal with. And I think that the best way to deal with said bastard father is to talk to him man to man. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a casual, adventurous, troublemaking teenager. But I can still be polite and formal if I want to right?

I turned my gaze over to Aunt Gracie who was on the other side of Moni, trying to calm her down. I was about to whisper something to her, but she just nodded her head and mouthed "Okay." Seemed that we had the same idea. Or she just knew what I was thinking from the hard look I had on after the little episode that just happened five minutes ago.

So I got up from the couch, not bothering to tell Monica where I was headed to, and opened the front door.

The deep night of the outside was cold and crisp, both comforting and nerve wrecking at the same time. That was the thing about night; it was comforting and cool and beautiful, but the secrets it held inside was what was terrifying.

I bent over the wooden railing of the "balcony" - which was actually an old wooden porch - and sighed. Davey was beside me smoking a cigarette while staring off at the distance. Vail had some pretty good houses, but it seems that nobody gave a shit about this house; it looked pretty much forgotten and abandoned before Gracie occupied it.

"So this is the balcony?" I replied after a long moment of nothingness.

Davey nodded. "It's the only balcony here."

"But this is not a balcony. It's a porch. You know that, right?" I asked.

Davey just grunted and pulled out a flask, gulping down the liquid inside. Okay, he's obviously not one for small talk and/or conversation. I swished my tongue around in my mouth as I usually do when I'm uncomfortable, thinking, or nervous. "So..." I trailed on. Davey looked over at me and cocked an eyebrow, then returned to looking at the distance and smoking.

Davey looked like he wanted to run away from this place and to paradise land, but couldn't after committing to many sins. He looked almost depressed, sad, even lonely. It was almost like how Monica would look up at the stars every night. Yet she didn't confuse me like Davey. Why would somebody who was suffering not want to stay alive or stay with their family happily? Why must a person satisfy themselves with self harming by intoxication of the body from the inside and beat them selves up from the outside to make themselves feel better? It never made any sense to me.

I had to stop being so awkward around Monica's father. I had to be formal and polite, but strict as well. He was the one who hurt my friend after all.

So I turned to him, full attention and said, "I think you were being too harsh on Monica."

Suddenly, Davey's body shifted to face me and I realized just how tall he was. 6'1" I presumed. "What did you say, boy?"

I really was stupid to say that to his face, wasn't I?

I stared at Davey for a split second, then made a break for the driveway. At least I would have more room there than right beside the treacherous being known as Monica's father.

I turned back to see Davey slowly walking down the small staircase of old, hollow wood with heavy steps and a small limp. His hands were balled into fists at his side and his hard stare turned lazy but still showed malevolence. His six pack was visible through the thin cloth of his cream colored denim shirt. The dark look in his scowl told me how much I screwed up with telling him how to treat his daughter, even though I said just one sentence.

But at that moment, I knew I was fucked either way.

A/N: Okay, this was a pretty shitty chapter. So I guess you can call it a "Crappie" *DOO DO DOO*!! Yeah, I suck sometimes but I know that you know that we both know just how cringy I can get. And I know that confused you. But here's another confusing one:

I know what you know but you don't know what I know but we both know that knowing too much is bad.

And another confusing one:

He knows that she knows he knows about me knowing that what she knows isn't what he thinks he knows, but we all know that those two don't know that I know that they know everything that the teacher knows. And the teacher knows that he knows that she knows that we all know that they don't know that I know that they know everything that the teacher knows, but we all should know that this doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Just like how confusing life is, but we all know that already.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time. PEACE!!

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