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A/N: This was adopted by my good friend dunwithglowingeyes1, so I'm going to change it up a bit. This is going to be all mostly in the Main Character's POV, but I think I'll alternate . Hope you like it! -Someday

I ran, my black backpack smacking my back, and my brown combat boots hitting the forest floor with a soft thud every step I took. The dark, dead night sky camouflaged my body and I didn't look back.

I knew what was back there; my teachers, my so called "friends" and "family". My school. My home. At least, that was what I used to think of Glenwood Springs; the town by the forest where I would hang out with Mick and Charles; where I would eat tacos and skateboard and go on adventures in the summer; where I went to school and met amazing people. I thought that it was my home, but it isn't; it's a treacherous prison. It's everything I never wanted.

I used to be insecure. I used to worry about what people think of me, even though me and my friends just laughed it off. I'm still insecure, but right now? No. I could deal with people thinking that I'm shitty and out of my mind and I wouldn't give to shits and a crap about them. 

 Right now, I'm running to the train station through the forest. I could've taken the route through the town, which would've been a bit easier, but my sister Nikki and her girlfriend Dawn are having a date tonight, and I don't want to interrupt them with my little escape or else I'd 1. Be caught, 2. interrupt their date, and 3. never get another chance at escaping because of my stupid sheriff of a father.

Nikki Flinch is my beautiful, caring, older sister. She's 5'5", has long auburn hair, porcelain skin, full red lips that frame her beautiful smile, and greenish blue brown eyes that reflect a semi dark grey sky. She's the one person that's ever actually cared about me. And she's also lesbian.

Dawn Grayson is obviously my sister's girlfriend. She's 5'7", has short brown hair, fair skin, identically full lips and green eyes. She and Nikki love each other very much, and I've even heard my sister talk about proposing to Dawn.

But right now that isn't the point. Right now, the point was that I was escaping to find my place. Well, that and I was plunging me and my best friend, Monica Morelin, into some dangerous fun.

Monica has been my best friend since we had met at the age of two and four in the park. She's 5'5"; has thick, gorgeous light brown ash colored hair; fair skin lightly spotted with freckles; wide brown eyes; plump, pink, beautiful lips that frame her white pearly teeth perfectly; and an amazing personality and sense in style. And amazingly, she cares about me more than anybody. Even more than my sister, surprisingly. She's also very adventurous. I love her.

I stopped beside a massive oak tree, placing my hand on the rough bark and caught my breath. We had been running for a while now, and we were very close to the train station. 

"Hey, are you okay?"  Monica asked as she ran up to me. Right now, she was wearing black skinny jeans and burgundy colored boots and a black backpack. She had a dark green army jacket on, and a black tank top. In the summer, Colorado is very hot, but at night it's almost freezing. It's amazing how she isn't cold.

"I'm fine." I panted. "Whatta 'bout you?"

"I could be better." She answered. Monica looked up at the starry sky, like she mostly does when she's looking for something.

I've always wondered what that something was. She had started staring up at the sky when she was nine and I was eleven. We were biking in the middle of the night because we wanted to try something different, something... nice. We didn't really have a plan on what we would do, so we laid down onto a nice grassy patch, my iPod in between the two of us as we listened to Ed Sheeran. Monica was looking up at the starry sky, and I was looking at her innocent, angelic face and played with her softer blonde curls. She was wearing a butterfly clip, a pink t-shirt that said "Hello" on the front in black and white, a pair of cutoff denim shorts, and small, sparkly purple converses while I wore a plain blue plaid shirt and some denim pants with black converses. It was when we got to Ed Sheeran's "Sara" that she asked a question I never thought she would've asked: "D'you believe in promises?" her soft voice asked.

At that moment, I didn't know what to say. I remember thinking, Why would she ask such a question?. I didn't understand why she would ask a question like that, and to this day I still don't know why. But I answered, "Sometimes. It depends on the promise, and it depends on the person promising you.". It was a descent and okay answer, until tears started flowing from her eyes. I had wiped them away and pulled her into an embrace. I asked her what was wrong, and she said, "You had promised me when you were seven that you would always take care of me and when my dad was gone one night and he never came back, you weren't there!" She had confessed. I just pulled her closer to me and reassured her. So when she stopped crying, I whispered three little words that meant nothing at the time but mean something now: "I love you." and she had whispered them back.

That was an amazing night before we had to go back home. But ever since, she's looked up at the stars all caught up in her thoughts.

Monica looked back down at me, crouched onto the forest floor, and grabbed a water bottle from her backpack. "Want some? I got four bottles of water in here, plus two bottles of Strawberry Hill." She suggested. I rose a questioning eyebrow at her.

"Why do you have two bottles of some terrible tasting alcohol?" Monica just shrugged, a small smiled pulling at the corners of her lips, like strings on a puppet. "You never know when you get to celebrate."

"Yeah, well, save the Strawberry Hill for when we actually get out of this hell hole." I responded coldly. I didn't mean to be so harsh, but I literally hate it here after... the epidemic. "Uh, what time does the train get to the station?" I asked. Monica pulled out the train timetable from the front pocket of her backpack.

"Uh, around 8:00 PM."

"And what time is it now?" I asked.

"7:48 PM." She answered. I moved my tongue around in my mouth as I was stuck in my thoughts. "How much longer until we get to the station?"

"twelve minutes." That's a good amount of time, then.

"Should we started running again?" I asked her. Monica must've been tired after running from my house for an hour and a half. It's surprising how far we've ran, but even more surprising how nobody has even tried to find us yet. Well, maybe Monica's brother, Samuel, and her parents are driving around town in his car, looking for his missing younger sister right now. But my parents? That, I don't know.

Monica nodded at my question. And with that, we took off.


A/N: So, what do you think? Tell me in the comments below, and thank you for reading this chapter, you amazing, beautiful person.

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