[17] A Vampire Always Gets What He Wants

Start from the beginning

“What ,“ he grounded out harshly not even glancing my way.

Here it goes, “What was Bradena’s price,” I asked, my voice shaky.

“Blood. She took my god damn blood,” he snapped out.

I guess my assumption was correct, but what the heck would a witch want vampire blood for? For potions maybe, but from the sheer whiteness of his skin it sure looked like she took more than a tiny vile.

“I’m sorry for…snapping at you,” he sighed out a few minutes later. “It’s just that… Bradena drained me to the brink of death, and all I can think about is blood. Right now all I can hear is the beating of your heart. It fills my ears blocking out everything else around me. All my instincts are telling me to feed, to kill and take what I need without remorse, but I promise you I would never hurt you,” he said determinedly turning his head back to gauge my reaction.

“I-I trust you,” I said reaching out to take his hand but I thought about what he just said and dropped my hand back at my side. Sebastian smiled at my action but it looked more like a grimace.

He turned his head back pulling his phone out of his back pocket, pressing a few buttons then placed it to his ear. “Shut the fuck up Skyler I know what I’m doing,” Sebastian hissed before continuing, “Just get your ass over to Infamous, we’ll be 5 blocks to the left,” he finished putting his phone back into his pocket. Great. A new babysitter I thought sarcastically.

Five minutes later Skyler walked out of the wooded area surrounding the back of the parking lot Sebastian and I were waiting in. Sebastian pushed himself off the car immediately walking over to Skyler. I didn’t even bother getting up from the curb, I was going to have to stay here anyway while Sebastian feeds, so what’s the point.

“You’re an idiot you know that,” Skyler said as soon as he reached Sebastian.

“Ya whatever just watch Kate till I get back,” he said irritated before disappearing into a blur down the street.

Skyler stood about 5 feet away from me, his eyes darting around at every sound. Skyler seemed to know Bradena maybe he could answer some of my questions. “Skyler,” I said softly. His head immediately turned in my direction looking down at me, his face void of any emotion.

“Yes Kate.”

“Who’s Bradena,” I asked mentally crossing my fingers that he actually answered. Skyler avoided my gaze staring at something over my shoulder for a few seconds before he replied, “She’s been around for a millennia, some say she was the first one to practice while other’s say she was the first one to ever have the gift of magic. Most come seeking her help in acquiring the thing they most desire while others wish to find what was once lost. Whatever the reason she grants them their wish, but there’s always a price,” he said still not meeting my eyes.

“What’s her price?”

“Blood. She drains her victims till the brink of death, keeping them covered in silver so their skin doesn’t close up and stop the blood from flowing.”

“What could she possibly want with that much blood?”

“She drinks it. Vampire blood has amazing healing properties. How else do you think a human witch has survived this long,” Skyler said smirking at me from the corner of his eye. I blushed, “Well I just thought…”

“Don’t fall for her goddess like appearance she’s a vile creature that only does things to get what she wants. She’s drained vampires dry because of her obsession. You’re lucky that Sebastian is still even alive, well at least as alive as a vampire gets.” My mouth opened and closed as Skyler’s words hit me. How could Sebastian just risk his life like that, is he friggen insane! My heart clenched at the thought that Sebastian might have very well died while I just sat there on the couch and waited for him to come back to me. The thoughts from when Sebastian kissed me filled my mind; every sensation and shiver replaying in my head. I felt starved, hungering for his lips again. How could I last the rest of my life without that when I couldn’t even last twenty minutes.

“Don’t be mad at him. He only did it because he can’t stand not knowing when or if you’re going to be taken from him. He’s been taught to act first think later, he just can’t help it,” Skyler said looking me in the eyes.

“I…just don’t want to lose him,” I whispered brokenly, knowing it was true. When he had said he loved me something clicked in me and it all made sense. I loved him too; I loved the way his hand felt in mine, the feel of his body pushed up against mine, his embrace, and the untameable fire he unleashed within me with every touch.

Suddenly a blurred object stopped in front of Skyler, revealing a much less pale, and more human like Sebastian. Though his shirt had a few drops of blood splattered around his collar. Sebastian quirked his eyebrow up at my intense stare, “You know all you had to do was say you were hungry, I would have brought one back for you,” he said with a smirk covering those delicious lips as he walked towards me. “Don’t worry Kate I didn’t kill anyone, I just made them a feel a little…tipsy,” he said jokingly as he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck holding him close. I was so close to losing him, I didn’t ever want to let go, but right now he had some explaining to do. I loosened my arms and looked up at his face. “How could you be so stupid Sebastian?” I scolded him smacking the back of his head.

“Hey, what did I do,” he said frowning slightly. God how dumb did he think I was. “I was sitting on the couch waiting while you were drained to the brink of death. What if you had died?” I screeched getting angry now.

“I had to find out as much information as I could, and she had it; it was a small price to pay if it meant keeping you by my side for the rest of my life.” His eyes turned a deep blue, as he smiled a small sweet smile. I couldn’t resist the smile from forming on my lips as I stared back into his eyes.

“I love you Sebastian,” I whispered tightening my arms around his neck, resting my head against his chest.

Sebastian caressed my hair, “You don‘t know how long I‘ve been waiting to hear those three words,” he whispered back kissing my head.

“You guys do realize that I’m still standing here right,” Skyler spoke up amusement in his voice. Sebastian and I reluctantly pulled apart, looking over at Skyler, “Way to be a buzz kill Skyler,” Sebastian said in an irritated voice pulling me by my hand to the passenger door of his car. “Come on Kate let’s get out of here,” Sebastian said pulling the door open for me to get in.

“Hey what about me”, Skyler said as Sebastian shut my door, bumping into Skyler’s shoulder as he walked over to the driver’s side door.

“Sorry dude, you know the rules chicks before dicks.” I covered my mouth to try and hold in the laughter at Sebastian’s attempt at using teenage slang. Sebastian smirked as he slammed his door shut and revved the engine before speeding off down the road leaving a dumbstruck Skyler standing in the parking lot.

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