[Chapter 12] - Tunnels

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Nick and Judy sped through the streets of Tundra Town. Nick sat in the passenger seat, gripping the handle bar on the door as Judy made sharp turns, her speed never decreasing.

Judy slammed on the breaks when they approached the cake shop, causing Nick to fly forward and hit his head on the dashboard. "Ow."

Without hesitation, Judy flung the door open and jumped out, Nick following behind. They spotted Austin and Kathy just outside the cake shop. Austin was on the phone with someone, talking quickly while Kathy paced around. When her eyes fell onto Nick and Judy, she sped towards them.

"No one has come back from the alley yet," she said.

"Did you see what species the animals were?" asked Judy.

Kathy took a small piece of paper out from her pocket. "A wolf, a lynx, two polar bears, and two snow leopards. Austin and I tried to eavesdrop on them, but they weren't saying anything. They just carried the cake into the alley in silence. No one has come out."

Austin hung up on the phone and stuffed it into his pocket. "That was Chief Bogo. I told him about what we saw and learned. He thinks we need to leave."

"What?" Judy asked. "Leave? But we know where they are- what if they leave..."

"Carrots..." Nick said slowly. "I hope you aren't thinking about following. Chief told us to keep our distance."

"Nick, she has a point," Austin piped in. "We don't know when they will be back. This is our chance. Come or stay, but I'm following." The wolf turned his back on the group and turned the corner into the alley.

Judy began to follow, but Nick grabbed her by the wrist and forced her back. "Judy- don't do this..."

"Let go of me!" she yelled, freeing her wrist from his grasp.  She sighed. "I'm sorry, Nick... But I'm going."

Nick watched as Judy disappeared into the alleyway. He turned his gaze towards Kathy, who's expression look worried. 

"Kathy, you stay here and keep a look out. I'm going in after them. Call me if anything is wrong."

She nodded her head as Nick followed behind the other two. The three of them stood in the alley, looking down at a manhole. Austin pried it from the ground, revealing a cylinder opening that led deep into the ground. There was an iron ladder that led below the surface and into the dark.

"I'll go first," Austin said, gripping the iron ladder tightly and beginning his descent. Judy followed behind him, and Nick went last.

Their breaths echoed against the cold wall as they continued to travel down into darkness. The ladder seemed endless, and right when Nick was about to suggest they turn back, the ladder let out onto a platform.

They found themselves in the tunnels. They were large, open, circular spaces with platforms on either side and rushing water in the middle. The tunnels were designed specifically for maintenance on the sewers, but that was many years ago. The sewage system had advanced enough so that work was almost never needed to be done. The tunnels were now abandoned, used only by gangs or the homeless.  Graffiti filled the walls with color, bubble letters and scribbled letters. 

The group was silent, listening for footsteps in the dark. The only sound that could be heard were their breaths, the sloshing of the water, and the dripping of liquid onto solid concrete. 

Finally Nick broke the silence. "So which way?"

The three looked around. There were several different ways to go, but after minutes of thinking, Judy relied on gut instinct. "This way," she said, pointing to the right.

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