[Chapter 4] - Train to Bunnyburrow

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-Cover by MetaDragonArt (DeviantArt)-

That next morning, as Judy had expected, nothing was different. Nick slept peacefully in his nest of pillows and blankets, set up right beside Judy's bed, his tail curled over his chest. It took several attempts of shaking him to get him awake.

He stretched his arms high above his head and let out a loud yawn.

"Get your tail out of bed, we're going to miss the train!" Said Judy, grabbing Nick's paws and attempting to pull him from the ground as hard as she could.

"I'm coming, I"m-" suddenly, mid sentence, he fell back to his nest, a snore escaping his mouth.

Judy groaned, rubbing a paw from the top of her face to her chin.

She opened up Nick's travel bag, searching until she found what she was looking for. Blueberry pawptarts. Quickly, she peeled the silver plastic off, and took the sweet pastry coated in blue cream and sprinkles into her paws.

She knelt down to the ground and faced Nick. She waved the pawptart in front of his face several times until his nose began to twitch. His eyes shot open. He quickly made a grab for the pastry, but Judy jumped back. She stood up and walked to the other side of the apartment.

"You want it? Your going to have to get out of bed."

Nick huffed. "Sly rabbit."

He pushed the covers off and guided himself towards Judy.

"Nope. Not until you get ready to leave," she said, smiling menacingly.

"Why must you torture me in such terrible ways?" he said dramatically. 

Nick got dressed into his normal green leaf-covered collared shirt and his pants. He combed his fur and tided whatever Judy instructed.

"Now, if you wouldn't mind..." he said, stretching out his paw, awaiting the pawptart.

Judy rolled her eyes. "Here you go." 

Nick snatched the pawptart and instantly dug his teeth into it. He let out a sigh of relief to finally have his breakfast.


They both stood side by side as the bright orange train screeched to a stop in front of them. The doors opened, and many animals of all species stepped out onto the platform. Once they had all exited, Judy and Nick boarded and made their way to one end of the train.

In the back end of the train, there was a large glass roof and three glass walls, allowing them to see the scenery as they passed by. A bench stretched along the three sides of the glass walls, making it possible for them both to sit down.

Judy noticed Nick's excited expression. He seemed awfully hyper, as in he couldn't sit still in his seat.

Judy grinned. "Uh, Nick, you okay?"

"Oh, yeah! I haven't been on a train in ages."

Judy nodded in understanding and laughed. "It's not that exciting, just a couple long hours in a train."

The train suddenly shifted forward, and began moving along the rails, picking up speed. Nick kept letting out excited squeals, if you will. 

They passed through Tundratown, where the windows became frosted and the train's heater was turned up. They went through the Rainforest District, where drops of water trickled down the glass and onto the tracks. Greenery filled every corner of the district, and foliage, flowers, and plant life were everywhere. 

Travelling through Sahara Square, they saw golden deserts with shrubbery and houses made of hard stone. They passed a large palm tree that towered as high as the skyscrapers in the center of the town. 

Nick was practically bouncing in his seat, but Judy was quiet. He turned to look at her, and saw that she was asleep. Her small head rested on his shoulder, her ears flopping into his face each time she took a breath. He went still, attempting not to awake her. He wasn't entirely sure what to do, so he decided to put his arm around her shoulder. He relaxed and looked up at the brilliant blue sky and fluffy clouds pass them by.

He didn't want to admit it, but Judy looked sort of cute. Perhaps all bunnies did, but Nick didn't necessarily think so.

He smiled slightly and leaned his head back, beginning to drift off to sleep.

Chasing - (Zootopia) [COMPLETED] ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz