[Chapter 8] - Home Again

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"Are you sure this is safe?" Nick asked.

He stood atop a cliff that overlooked a river below. On the cliff grew a large oak tree with a rope swing attached to a strong branch.

"Of course it is! I used to do this all the time. Just run to the rope, hold on, and let go when your above the river," said Judy.

A breeze blew, sending chills all along Nick's arms and bare chest. "Well if your sure..."

"Positive. Now go!"

Nick took a deep breath. He charged towards the tree, grabbing onto the rope and pushing himself off the cliff. He waited until he was far enough away from the edge before he let go.

He felt his stomach drop as the water came closer and closer. He held his breath as he touched the water and fell deeper. Looking up, he saw the sun reflect its rays on the shimmering water. He pushed himself up to the surface, taking in a big breath of air.

"Woooohoooo!" A voice called from above him. A small figure grew bigger until-


Water flew into Nick's eyes, Judy's head popping up from underneath the water just seconds later. She giggled as she saw Nick's annoyed expression. His paw came to contact with the water, splashing Judy's already soaked fur.

"Oh, you want to play that game, Wilde?" She said teasingly, as if inviting him to try again for a new outcome.

She splashed him several times more, and he did the same. Soon they were laughing uncontrollably all the while attempting to get as much river water on the other as possible.

It was a good day.


"Bye everyone!" Judy called from the open window of the train. Nick stood beside her, waving and smiling.

They watched as the Hopps family became smaller the further away from the train station the got, until they had completely disappeared from view.

She let out a sigh and a small smile, looking up at Nick. "Thanks for the trip."

He pat her head. "No problem fluff, it was nice to finally meet Mr and Mrs Carrots."

The train ride felt very short as they pulled into the Zootopia Train Station before the sun had set. An overcast covered Zootopia, and the sour scent in the air assured rain.

Nick and Judy walked along the road, nearing Judy's apartment. They talked about their trip and laughed. They had been so caught up in their conversion that they failed to notice the rain drops that began to fall. They rain became harder, causing the two to begin running towards Judy's apartment.

Judy opened the door to her complex and turned to face Nick. "I had fun this week. Thanks for taking such good care of me, it really means a lot."

He shrugged. "No problem."

They stood in silence for a few moments before Judy spoke.

"Well I should get to bed. Goodnight, Nick!" She hopped up to his height and planned a kiss on his cheek before quickly shutting the door, pressing her back against it and breathing hard.

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