[Chapter 9] - Assignment

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Judy awoke in Nick's arms. His warm breath made her ears twitch, and his familiar scent lingered in the air. As much as she enjoyed this, work was going to be starting soon. She groaned and tried to push him off, but to no avail did he move. "Nick... It's time for work... You need to get up."

Nick still didn't move, but continued resting. Judy took his arms and lifted them up with all her strength, quickly jumping from his grasp and out of bed, then letting out a sigh. "Nick seriously, you don't want to be late on your first day back."

She tried shaking him, but all he did was pull the covers over his head. "Alright Wilde, you want to do this the hard way." She took the pillow out from under his head, lifted it above her, and began hitting Nick with it. That caused him to stir.

"Alright! I'm up I'm up!" He said groggily, rising to his feet. Nick scratched the back of his head and yawned as Judy disappeared into the bathroom, emerging about ten minutes later bathed and in her uniform.

"Oh wait- I don't have my uniform here," Nick said.

Judy walked over to her nightstand, opened the drawer, and took out a uniform  identical to hers, just larger. "You left it here when you were caring for me, dumb fox. Now hurry up!"

Nick quickly grabbed the uniform and scurried off to the bathroom, Judy yelling at him to hustle. As the door closed, she laughed.

About five minutes later, Nick was dressed in his blue uniform and began straightening his badge.

"Ready to leave?" Asked Nick.

Judy, with an excited look on her face, replied "Yep!"

They both exited the apartment. Since they had time to spair, work wasn't that far, and it was such a beautiful day outside, they decided to walk to the ZPD.

The sun was just peeking above the horizon, sending golden rays of light that split due to the tall buildings. A cool breeze blew through the air.

It was the first Monday of July, which on this particular day happened to be the second day of the month. While the different districts of Zootopia did try to maintain the same temperature, there would always be a slight difference.

For instance, the district holding City Central would usually be warm, but grow slightly hotter in the summer and cooler in the winter. Sahara Square was always hot, but even more so in summer. Tundra Town was always freezing, but even colder during winter. It never snowed where Judy and Nick lived, so during the winter they would take many trips to Tundra Town.

So while I say it never snowed, that's not entirely true. If weather got too cold, it could snow just about anywhere (with the exception of Sahara Square). Winter was still a long while off, but Judy hoped this year it may cool off to be a snowy season. It would definitely be better than constantly taking trips to the other side of Zootopia.

As the two walked, Judy noticed a silence between them. Perhaps it was just the two enjoying the weather, or maybe it was due to the current awkwardness in their friendship. They never formally talked about becoming part of a relationship, and while Judy wanted to have a conversation with Nick about it, she didn't know how to approach him. Luckily, he did.



"..We really need to talk about... Us. That kiss under the willow, the one before bed, and last night... That all means something to you right?"

They both stopped walking and turned to each other. "Of course it does." She instantly regretted saying that. What if he didn't feel the same?

"Good, it did to me too."

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