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I kick the door with an unknown strength and it tips forward, crushing whatever is underneath.
I'm about to call phil as a note catches my eye. God there's so many notes.
I heard you came looking for us! I need to kill phil before we can be together! Is Danny Boy too excited? Oh and you don't have a week anymore. I'm killing Phil tonight. Xxx-Brock <3
I slip the note in my pocket for evidence as I try to fight tears. I failed.
Phils POV
"I hate you by the way Philly," Brock spits.
All i do is nod.
"Oh and you're dying tonight. Dan and I will finally be together."
"Cool." I say with no emotion. There's nothing left to feel.
D a n s P O V
. - . _ . - . _
I check my phone:
3:21 am December 24th
Hah. Nearly Christmas.

The area is deserted but nevertheless, I knock on every door I find.
"I don't know who 'Brock' is I'm sorry"
"Okay thanks"
"Ugh go away weirdo it's nearly 4am!"
"Ohhhh yes! I'm Brock's uncle. You see, he is traveling at the moment but he is heading to the big cliff up north? Know the one? Anyway I'll tell him you're going,"
"NO!" I yell
"Why not?"
"Just please don't okay?"
"Sure thing lad tah tah!" He shuts the door. At least it's something. I exhale deeply.
I set out on my journey. My converse trainers scuff against the lonely road I walk upon and a light snow begins to fall. The light flakes of White fall down to my shoulders as a heavy sigh escapes my lips and evaporates into the cold December breeze.
I don't care about the weather or the cold. Brock is heading for the Cliff meaning one definite thing: someone will die...
"Pick up, pick up," I beg as i ring Brock.
"Oh hey Dan," he says wryly.
"Let me talk to Phil. One call. Monitored. Deal?" I ask but with more of a demanding tone.
"Ugg fine." He gives in.
"Hi." I little voice squeaks to which can only be described as vulnerability.
"Phil! Listen to me. I'm going to save you. I've hurt you so many times and explained all I can and I'm afraid I can't take it back but I love you Phil Lester. Please hang on."
"I-I lo-"
The phone cuts off and fear eats me from the inside out. He going to kill him. I can't give up though.
I love him more than words can say. I've hurt him again and again and I'm the only one to blame. He may not understand my love for him. But I know it's real and not just a sin.
The snow gets heavier so I decide to jog to retain heat.
The huge cliff is plastered in ice and snow. I slowly walk through the fog and to the end of the cliff where Brock stands, brushing off his trousers.
"We can finally be together Danny."
He walks closer to me until I'm at the edge of the cliff and he slams his dry lips against mine. I almost choke on the smoke on his breath until I head something. Little whimpers escape from a mound of ice on the opposing side to me. Phil. I quickly untie my lips from Brock's and duck under his muscly arm. Phil lies there in the snow shaking. A small pool of blood surrounds his raven hair and with each snow flake that falls, my hearts breaks a bit more.
"I love you Philip Micheal Lester,"

Pathetic Queer (Bullied by dan howell) *Phan Style*Where stories live. Discover now