The streets of London

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I ignore the lightening bolts in my joints. I ignore the blood still dripping from my head, onto my hoodie. I'm running.

Eventually find the sign again. I'm five miles from home. Good.
I feel my phone vibrate.

Dan- Are you okay??!!

Phil- Yeah I'm great. Ya know, my whole body aches and there is blood pouring from my head. So yeah I'm amazing! Cunt

Dan- Turn around queer ;)

The guy didn't lie. Sure enough he was there. Alone.
"Oh you almost look like a nice person without your gang of dickheads by your side." I say with a sarcastic tone.

"What a mean way to talk to a friend Philly." He smirks. He then winks at... a tree? No. all of his gang corner me in an alley by the park, clicking their knuckles in unison. I'm dead.

The sky goes a dark shade of blue and the cold wind slaps me across the face along with Dan and the others. I can't feel the pain any more, I'm numb.

Until finally-
"Guys wait by the tree. I wanna finish him off on my own," Dan say wryly.
The guys leave and Dan looks me right in the eye.
"I'm so sorry Phil!" His eyes start to fill with tears. He then hands my a 50 pound note. I give it back and shake my head but he shoves it in my hand again and runs away.

Why? He made my life hell, apologises and then gives me money?

Drowsiness overtakes me and I find a spot on the damp grass to lie on. Oh life. Why me?

I wake up at 5 am and use the money to get a taxi to my street. I reach my house and listen until I'm sure my parents aren't in. I run to my room and get changed before knocking on Dans door...

"Hell- Phil?!" Dan asks. I just nod.
I then hand him the rest of the money that he gave me but he refused to take it. I walk away and when he closes the door, I post it through his letter box and walk to school.
At Lunch I hear everyone talking really loud. Me and Peej just look at each other blankly. Dan stands on a table.
"LISTEN UP BITCHES! I'm Bi!!" Every one cheers at his announcement. How ironic. He bullies me because I'm gay but he's (partly) gay too?
Hey guys! You like it so far?
This chapter was kinda short sorry ;3
Please vote! Oh and QOTD, What's your fave PINOF vid? Mines 1 for sure. (Phil jumps on Dan at the end it's so cute I'm deaddd x-x)
Okie Baii

Pathetic Queer (Bullied by dan howell) *Phan Style*Where stories live. Discover now