RIP Dan Howell and Phil Lester

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Dans pOv-._.-._. Brock lies on the floor, a pool of his own blood surrounding him. I just killed him. It was all for Phil. I acted like it wasn't real until police officers searched the scene. What if they find my DNA on the knife?

I wake up from my half sleep. My back aches from the wooden chair I've been sitting on for the past 12 hours just waiting for the answer to my question. Will Phil live?
I'm woken by Phils phone ringing...

Caller unknown

Accept Decline

I shouldn't answer but so many voices in my head are saying "do it. Do it. DO IT FFS"
I answer.
"Uh-hello?" I mutter
"Guess who's back?" An all too familiar voice whispers with a sly tone.
"B-br-ock??" I stutter.
"Dan? Why are you on phils phone?" He asks
"I stole it from him yesterday haha" i lie
"Well listen. You have 24 hours to relocate or you're DEAD understand?" He half shouts.
The phone is cut off by Brock hanging up.
"D-Dan? Why are you on my phone?" Phil asks with an apparent drowsiness to his voice.

I have to leave Phil. He'll be safer than he can with me. I have to leave even though it pains me.

"I have to leave you Phil, forever"
I say with to no emotion.
"Oh ok" is all he says.
"This always happens" he whispers.
"Huh?" I question.
"Everyone I love betrays me or leaves me."
He whimpers.
"Just go Dan!" He shouts as loud as his weak body will let him.

I leave.
I don't know quite where I'm going but I go. First I run home and steal my moms wallet. I then spring all the way back to the hospital. I must have been a while because visiting hours are almost over. I walk into the building and check if I can go and see phil.
"Philip Lester, honey?"
She asks
"Yeah if that's okay," I smile
"Okay that's fine. Go forward until it says ward 100 and his room is 102," she informs me.
"Thanks so much," I reply and navigate my way through the crowded hospital trying to find Phil's room.
102: empty.
Hm? That's weird, why is it empty? I decide to go in anyway.
What I see may haunt may life for eternity...
There is a bloody trail that goes from the bed to the door and a note on the mattress with bloody handprints.

Dear Danny Boy.
I told you I was a homophobe. I lied. I made you bully Phil because I saw him as a threat. I was going to kill him so we could be together but you stabbed me! That's no way to teach a future boyfriend is it? If you were wondering, Phil is with me. You have 1 week Howell.

'1 week Howell' yet all I wanted was Phil. I was lost for words.
I was lost all together.

An I'm sorryyyyy for dropping two major bomb chapters! If your ovaries haven't exploded yet then you must not own them.

Whoever votes gets a Cookie 🍪 c:

Pathetic Queer (Bullied by dan howell) *Phan Style*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu