Taken Away from love

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I blink the sleep away from my eyes as I attempt to sit up. A small streak of sunlight squeezes through the wrath of darkness in this house. I wince as I remember the stab wound on my left thigh, I don't want it to start bleeding again. I want to die. I want to live. I want to love. That's why I can't just let myself bleed out or annoy Brock so he kills me. I still have a tad bit of hope, dan will save me. We will be together forever, saying 'I love you,' 'I love you more' all the time until someone gives up. He'll propose and we'll get married on a silent field, we wear tuxedos and flowers crowns. No one else is there, there doesn't need to be. He kisses PJ again and I don't know until I walk in on them in my bedroom. 'I never loved you' he says and PJ giggles. We get a divorce and Dan and Peej get married. 'I always loved you Peej' 'I loved you more."-
"AGHHHHHH!" I scream as my eyes instantly start flooding.
Why can't I escape my head? Why can't I escape the fucking truth?!
I actually wish Brock was here so I had a distraction. "Or dan? No. he doesn't care, why would he? You're a pathetic, good for nothing queer. JUST FUCKING DIE PHILIP LESTER!" I voice in my head screams, the voice can only be described as Peej's.
"You're right"
"I know"
Dans POV
"NOOOO PHILLL!" I scream, the trail of blood staining the back of my eyelids. Every time I close my eyes I see it. When I open them it's still there. Phil is gone.
"Sir?OMG WHAT HAPPENED??" A nurse exclaims behind me.
"H-he's g-go-ne" I stutter
I look back at the nurse and realise she's on her phone.
I can't just cry I need to find him.
I walk out of the hospital, ignoring everyone I bump into.
I know a few of Brock's places. It'd be best to check his house first.
I walk on the damp concrete drive until a tall brown door stands before me, I knock gently and wait for an answer.
"Oh hey Dan!" His mother cheers, how is she so nice and Brock is a psychopath?
"Hi. Have you um, seen Brock?"
"Oh yes! He went to his uncles with his friend, I forget his name but here's the address" she scribbles it on a piece of an envelope and hands it to me "Oh and this is for you," she hands me a note. "Bye Now!" She closes the door with a huge smile painted on her face.
I unfold the note.
(Note from last chapter as there's no point adding here too :))
I don't know what to do. Smile? Cry? I need to get to that address asap.
I walk home through all the shortcuts I know. I then remember about my mothers wallet that I stole so I quickly grab my keys out of my pocket and unlock my car from on the drive.
I'm sorry for taking your wallet mom, I haven't spent anything but I'll be out for a while. I've taken £50 but I'll pay it back soon. I'll explain later, love you x

I write on the other side of the note that phil sent. I post the note and squeeze the purse through the letter box too.

I open the car door. "Now, I'm on my way Phil. Hang in there," I say to myself.
"I'm back Philly. My mother told me dan is looking for you ahaha! So we need relocate!" He cackles.
He places his rough hands under my armpits and lifts me up. The pain is almost unbearable.
"I hate you" I whisper to him.
"Feelings mutual love" he replies with a slap to my face.

Pathetic Queer (Bullied by dan howell) *Phan Style*Where stories live. Discover now