Other Roleplays Besides APHMAU → Rant

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Hey guys, Laur~ Here! I'm going to be ranting/introducing some 'new' things to you guys!

So let's start with the rant:


So, Aphmau right? She is a very well-known Youtuber MOSTLY known for Minecraft Roleplays. So one a few other Roleplays I watch, CONSTANTLY  get compared to Aphmau's Roleplays. (MCD/PDH/MyStreet/Etc.) 

I find it REALLY annoying, like, each of the roleplays I watch, let me tell you, are very UNIQUE in their own way, they have NOTHING similar to Aphmau's yet people still compare. What I also find really annoying is that people write;

"OMG! Who else came here from Aphmau???"

I hate it, and i'm sick of it, i'm sure a lot of you are too. Now for the roleplays, I know some of you might have gotten bored of Aph, or just plainly left the fandom. Or even if you're just looking for new roleplays, I have a LIST of cool Roleplays, and they are very unique.

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1 - Yandere High School It'sFunneh

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Description: Yandere High School is a Minecraft role-play series where there is a murderous girl who will do anything to protect her Senpai. Watch as they unravel the darkest secrets throughout the school.

So yeah, I love this Roleplay so MUCH! It is interesting, Dramatic, Physiological, Comedy, and Romance! You will not regret watching it. It might seem a little boring at the start, but I PROMISE it'll get more exciting! Besides, All Roleplays start out a little boring at first. There are currently 2 Seasons, and it is still going on. [!] Voice actors will come later on. I'm in love with this Roleplay as much as I love food <3 ;-;

2 - My Minecraft Life ThePinkDiamondDiva

Description: Welcome to "My Minecraft Life" ! This series follows the events of a girl named Pink! Around her are her friends and family. In this season there will be lot's of twist and turns and well.. drama. Let's see what will happen this Season!

Yep! I REALLY love this too! Four words... The Drama Is Real xD But yes, it has lots of Drama and Romance, hence the description. [!] Voice actors do come later on, so not to fear! There are currently 2 seasons, and still continuing. And yes, might seem a little boring at first, but keep watching, I guarantee you'll enjoy it ;)

 3 - Minecraft Royalty Mistylyne

Description: (There is none, so i'll make a brief explanation) Welcome to Minecraft Royalty! A girl named Misty wonders alone in a forest at night, until she stumbles upon a village, Mystic Reach. What happens when she enters the village? Her whole world turns upside down.

Okay, I tried my best at writing that xD Idk how to explain it. But yeah! This one is quite a 'Medieval' Scenery, and lot's of Action, Drama, Romance. And before you watch, yes, this Roleplay actually does have SOME similarities with Aphmau, but she used her as her inspiration, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't check her out. It's very different, and very... DRAMATIC. There is only 1 Season and 23 episodes, and still is continuing. [!] Voice actors do come later on, but not to long from the beginning. But you'll LOVE IT! <3

3 - Yandere/Yandere High School/Tokyo Soul Samgladiator

Description: (I'll just make one...xD) Yandere High School is a High-School Roleplay, following the lives of Sam and Taurtis. Except, things are twisted, is Yandere good? or ACTUALLY evil?

So yes, The Roleplay is called Yandere, (Yandere is when they meet as kids) Yandere High School, and it's technically second season is called Tokyo Soul. This Roleplay actually has a different concept and style of how it's done, it's an actual roleplay. It is improved, which is the actual style of how Roleplays should be done. Their Roleplay has some Romance, Thriller, DEFINITELY Comedy. This Roleplay makes me laugh and smile, and sometimes Cry, laugh, and smile <3 But I definitely recommend this if you want something to make you laugh, not to heavy on the Romance. [!] There is technically no Voice Acting besides the people doing the Roleplay.

 5 - Blades and Magic Dollastic Plays

Description: (I'M MAKING THIS!) Latic is an ordinary girl living in the Village of, well, they don't actually have a name considering it's a small village. Blades Academy is very High-Class school for training to become a knight. After her and her new friend Rachel get in, they learn about new things and secrets around the 'Queen'. What will life await them? A new adventure unravels.

Okay, so this is probably my favorite along with Yandere High School by It'sFunneh, This is a very INTERESTING Roleplay, I recommend this with MY LIFE. It's Dramatic, Medieval, Romance, Mystery, and so much more! There are currently Two Seasons, and 3 Episodes, it is still going on. It is probably one of the most exciting Roleplays out there. [!] There is voice acting later on, Heck, The voice actors, Pat and Lizzie are there! (Voice actors of Katelyn and Travis) I love it! There is also AMAZING art by some Hell of a talented artist in each episode! YOU'LL LOVE IT! ✓

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Well this was a LONG chapter...

But these are the Roleplays I Watch! I decided to do this so some people could see more than JUST Aphmau. And I really badly want someone to fangirl with... xD

But yes, I recommend them all, <3 That's it for now,

See you guys later!~

RANTS GALORE AND RANDOM APHMAU STUFF ✓ - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now