Aphmau is a Mary-sue?

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Hey guys, guess what?... yep, it's another rant. Well I mean, this IS a rant book amirite?

So today the topic is, Is Aphmau a Mary-sue?

I've been noticing this quite a lot. For those of you who don't know what a Mary-sue is:


A marysue is a person who is flawless, and idolized. Very noticable *cough cough*

And doesn't Aphmau seem like one to you? Let me explain. Aphmau seems pretty flawless, she is pretty, good in subjects and- you see what i'm getting at? Also, she has ALL the boys falling for her, seems much like a... MARY-SUE DON'T 'YA THINK? She is also like, sure, she's the main character, but no one can legit be THAT perfect. No, i'm not saying that EVERYTHING about Aphmau is flawless, she does have some flaws. 


So this was a Mini-rant once again... and I PROMISE this is the last update today, sorry, do I update way to much? let me know! Now..: (Quotes!)

In the end,

we only regret the chances we didn't take. -Unknown

(Me and my random quotes I find)

Bye Senpais!

RANTS GALORE AND RANDOM APHMAU STUFF ✓ - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now