Chapter 31- Voicemail

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Everyone gasps, Michael spoke "Its an accident and its nothing" he said. Ashton clears his throat "Wait- what? How this happened?" He asks confused with little of jealously. Michael is about to speak til Calum interrupts "Oh haha, it was Hales and I who had done the deed not you two" he chuckles, Hailee nods giggling. We look at them confused "What you mean?" I ask Calum.

He sighs "Hailee and I went home, we went to your room Sammy to do it and I forgot to dispose the condom" he says blushing, we are still confused "Well how come when i woke up, i was semi naked? Explain that Cal" i said. Calum sighs "Before you guys head home together. Sammy you were with Ashton and you guys were making out and probably did it too" he explains.

I open my mouth to ask another question, Calum beats me into to it "Michael was so drunk and pushed Ashton out of the room so you saw him laying next to you this morning but it was originally Ashton" he explains. Everyone nods, Michael and I sigh in relief "Fuck its so bad if cousins had sex man!" I said and everyone agrees. Michael nods "That explain why Im there. Man im savage af! Sorry Ash" he said to Ashton. Ashton nods waving his hand saying 'Dont worry about it'

Amy points at him "And how did you know this?" She ask. Calum sighs "Hailee and i were a bit sober and saw everything" he said and Hailee nods. We nodded "Fair enough" Amy said.
Michael and I sood up "Fuck yeahh!" We shout. Michael and I did our cousin handshake we made up ever since we were young.

Calum stood up "I wanna join!" He ask. Amy jump up too "Hey i want to join! Move bitch" she hip bump Calum so she can stand next to me. We started doing our old handshake we made up since we were young with Luke who's not here.

After we have done our handshake, we cheered and shout. Michael spoke "We still remember it!" He said amused. We all nodded, Hailee stood up and Ashton mimicks her action "Can we make up our own one too?" She asks in pleading voice. Calum walks up to her and kisses her cheek,  he looks at us "Should we make up a new one?"

We all look at each other then nodded, Hailee cheers "Yay" she squeals giving Ashton a hi-5. Ashton returns it with chuckle "I told you Hales you just have to ask them" he poke his tongue out. Haliee pushes him, we all laughed.

I clap my hands together "Everybody in your positions!" I shout getting ready, everyone obeys starting stretching. Michael spoke up "Can we add this in it" he said and starting doing shake like Bernie. We agreed and cheer on Michael whos smashing it.

Third Person POV
The gang heard about Tristan death because Brad. Sammy blames herself for his death, she start to shut everyone out including Ashton. Yet Ashton never left her side and sometimes sleeps outside her room in case Sammy needs help with anything. The gang tries their best to help Sammy yet its not working. They never stopped trying to get the old Sammy back.

*Few Hours Later*
Sammy POV
I laid down on my bed wiping my tears. I sigh and clear my throat, i close my eyes for a bit sighing again. Pull out my phone and dialled my voicemail. I click the right button and i burst into more tears when Tristan's voice came on.

*Voicemail from Tristan*
"Hey baby girl i miss you, i cant wait to see you soon. When i see you i will hug and kiss you like there's no tomorrow. *Laughs* Sammy god! I hate being far away from you, it kills me! Like every second, minute and even hour of the day! I feel incomplete without you...but dont worry when i come back with the boys. If just gonna be you and me alone in our little world Saristan. *Laughs* but sometimes i wish we were never apart from each other and we will be in each other's arms and breathing the same air.....god! Seeing you in coma...*Sobs* it kills me! it feels like someone stab me and killed me without mercy. Please Sammy wake up. Please baby girl... *Brad's voice calling Tristan in the background* oh Brad is a total dickhead ruining the mood. I got to go and i will call you back when i get back i promise! See you later baby girl, love you so much so dont forget cause im all yours *mwah*"

Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Sequel To Summertime Sadness) *Collaboration*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz