Chapter 6: The day after (Jesper PoV)

Start from the beginning

In the gaming room

I decided to use the rest of my day to simply play a bit SoloQ. I looked way too messy for a stream.
"Ah our Danish wonderchild is awake." Luka greeted him cheerfully.
"Morning Luka." I ignored how he called me and just sat down on my chair.
"Did hungover kill you so hard? I heard you were enjoying yourself a lot."
"I can't quite remember what happened yesterday. But it must've been good when I really stayed up till morning.
While waiting in queue, I scrolled through Twitter. I liked a few late congratulations from fans and scrolled through my timeline. Suddenly a photo of my birthday popped off.

Luka @G2Perkz 3h
Good times :) @EvilDreamLoL @HybridLoL

May sits between Luka and Glenn. Everyone is smiling bright in this picture.
"I didn't know you are friends with May." I said to Luka who sat next to me on his computer.
"Oh yeah, we talked yesterday a lot, because we were forever alone as under ages after Glenn left us. She has the same interests like me and can sing pretty good." He answered me with a chuckle.
"I see..."
"What is your relationship to her? Were you close?"
I cleared my throat before I spoke.
"You can say that. In 2015 we played a lot DuoQ. I was probably the reason why she got a spot as a sub player. When I was on OG, we used to hang up a lot. Not only because we were DuoQ partners, but also because we are friends." And also more...
"Nice to know, I think I like her personality. Innocent, kinda shy, but a good mate when she opens more to one."
I nodded in agreement and finally got a match. I had Raymond (kasing) in my team and we began to write during champ select.

V kaSing: yesterday was insane btw
u drank like 5 glasses of that strong shit which trick gave u
After that everything was over lmao

G2 Zvanillan: can't remember a thing, still hung-over
all I remember is dat kikis/jankos duet LMAO

V kaSing: yeah that was hilarious
u also went outside w/ some ppl talking about chicks 'n stuff
wish I would've joined u tbh
but yall were scary af
stayed w/ ma boy cabo inside

G2 Zvanillan: next time bro

Yet I was wondering what he means. Yesterday was the first day I've ever been so drunk. I was wondering how am I acting when I lose control.

After playing 5 hours SoloQ, I returned to my room. Since today was our free day, we were allowed to do whatever we want to and I decided to unpack my presents. Curiously I took one of the smaller ones and tear the gift wrap paper apart.
Most of the presents were birthday cards or coupons for online stores, mainly Steam and Amazon. Alfonso bought me a men perfume, probably because he always complains about how my normal one smells. Kang-yun and Daehan gifted me alcohol of course, Joey a shaver and Luka a book which I probably never will read.
The largest present was from Sabine. It was filled with a teddy bear, a birthday card, some German sweets and a drawing of Kalista by a really good artist.
She really put much effort in my present. And it makes me happy, because it shows how much someone cares for me.
I opened the card and a long, handwritten text showed up.

Dear Jesper,
Today is your day and I hope you enjoy it as much as you want to. I can't wait for your party and spending time with you. Working with you is always a pleasure, because you're talented and the best ADC the world has ever seen. When you joined G2, it was one of the best moments in my analyst career.
But besides that, you're also down-to-earth and enjoyable person. You're one of the nicest guys I've ever met and I hope we'll stay close as friends too.

Reading the last lines, made me smile all over my face. I've never reiceived something so lovely. How long did she needed for this? I was really wondering, but while I threw the trash of the presents away, I still felt like something was missing. What was wrong with me?
I shook my head and deleted those thoughts. Maybe these were after effects from being the first time really drunk.

9 PM

Hungrily I opened my pizza box and sat in the living room with Joey, Luka and Alfonso. Today Joey was too lazy to cook us dinner, so we just ordered food. Tomorrow we'll begin scrimming again and preparing for Fnatic and Origen. These matches were definitely much more important to me than others and my will to win was bigger than ever. Fnatic, because I basically always lost against them in my whole career except one regular match last split. And Origen of course, nobody wants to lose against their former team. Winning against both of them would be pretty satisfying.
"What do you think, how will May perform against us as ADC?" Alfonso started a conversation.
"I don't know what to think about her." Joey began to explain. "She's really confusing, her mechanics aren't that bad, only her decision making is often questionable. Since Hybrid is pretty much a newcomer too, he often hesitates and makes EvilDream feeling insecure. Sometimes she's like nonexistent in game and sometimes she's their hard carry and makes some miracles like stealing barons with Ashe arrow."
"Haha that surely was funny as hell. At least she'll always be reminded as the girl, who makes miracles." Luka chuckled amused.
"Well, you have to say that she learned from no other than our favorite Danish ADC. I mean, they were really close" Now Alfonso began to tease me and the others immedately gazed to me with a big grin.
"Come on, tell us more about her. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, she's really hot. And then she's a progamer, holy that's every boy's wet dream." Luka meant with a big smirk.
I got quite angry at them. "If you want to get to know her better, then ask her! Besides that, you won't get her that easy, she hardly trusts anyone. So don't talk about her like she's one of those average, slutty e-girls."
"Wow, calm down, Jesper." Luka put a hand on my shoulder. "I was just joking of course, I do like her as a person as well."
"Whatever, they spent of the most time together..."
Before Alfonso could talk further, I gave him a cold glance and he immedately changed topics.
The rest of the time, I barely listened to them. My mood was definetly ruined.

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