Chapter 13

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It's gotten late at night.

"Uhm Teito-sama?" Teito looked at Juvia. "Where will you stay tonight? Have you found somewhere you can live around here?"

"Ah? A-actually... I haven't, yet Juvia," he answered. "Uhm can I just live with you in your house Juvia?"

"Oww... I would love to... but..." Juvia looked down.

"Juvia lives in Fairy Hills, girls' dorm of Fairy Tail." Erza popped in the conversation with Lucy, both wearing a smile.

"Why don't you just stay with Gray for the time being?" Lucy joined also.

"Right Lucy-san!" Juvia exclaimed then turned to Teito, "I'm sure you will have a good time with Gray-sama since you already know each other like we do!"

"Uhh... If he's fine with that..."

The four walked to the table where Gray is sitting, not bothering to listen to Natsu's nonsense stories.

"Uhm Gray-sama?" Gray immediately looked up at the blue-haired teen. Then, he noticed Teito behind with Erza and Lucy.

"Uh, yes Juv?"

"Can Teito-sama stay at Gray-sama's house? 'Cause he's not allowed in the dorm." Juvia asked politely but looking on Gray's eyes.

"These beautiful blue orbs she has, her sweet voice, she's just ... she's just the one I want..."

"Gray-sama?"Juvia asked confused.

"Oh! S-sorry, what were you saying?"

"She's asking if Teito can stay with you for the time being until he finds his own, baka!!" Erza playfully punched Gray but still hurts.

"Why would-," Gray was cut off by Lucy.

"Or Erza will just allow him to stay with Ju-," Lucy was cut off by Gray this time.

"Hell no!" Gray stood quickly. The whole guild looked at him and Juvia was shocked at his reaction.

"Sorry. I m-mean sure. Teito can. Since I got a spare room at home," Gray chuckled awkwardly.

"T-thank you Gray-sama!" Juvia happilyresponded to Gray's agreement and quickly turned to Teito and began to talk with him again like nothing happened.

"No more Juvia clinging to my arm after thanking? It hurts like hell!!!" Gray shouted the last part unconsciously. And everyone turned to him again while Wendy quickly ran towards him.

"Gray-san? What's wrong? I'll heal-," she got cut off.

"Oh no, no, no Wendy. I'm fi-," Gray got cut off.

"His heart is broken Wendy!!! Can you help him?" Natsu shouted that everyone could hear.

"Shut up!!!" Then Gray and Natsu began a war until Erza came to play.

Time skip to Gray's house~~

Gray and Teito entered the house. Not bothering to talk to each other until Teito broke the silence.

"So, you've got a nice aqua blue house huh?"

"Yeah." A moment of silence again.

"This would be your room Teito," Gray pointed to the room across his own, "And here's the key." Gray threw the key to Teito which he caught anyways.

"Oh, thank you." Teito fit the key to the doorknob, so did Gray. But before they enter their own rooms...

"Gray?" Teito asked turning to face Gray.

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