Chapter 10

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Lucy held her knees as she breath. And continued to run towards Juvia and all eyes followed.

"Juvia!!!" Juvia was just shock on why Lucy needed to run that fast to tell her something.

"Wh-what is it Lucy-san??" She stuttered as Lucy stopped in front of Juvia and the two guys.

"Someone's uh looking for you..." Lucy's still catching her breath with a smile.

"Who would be the visitor of Juvia?" Juvia was confused, tilting her head to the side. She knows no one other than her guildmates and some of the Lamia Scale and maybe from Phantom Lord members.

"Wahahaha!!!" Natsu is on the view now laughing with someone?

All eyes turned to Natsu. "Juvia!!! I got someone you might know!!!" pointing to a dark blue-haired guy beside him. Or more like being dragged by Natsu. Happy is flying above them. Juvia stepped forward to take a good look on the guy.

The guy stopped in his track causing Natsu to stop also. The guy eyed the four in the bar. There's the blonde girl, then a white-haired guy, then a raven-haired guy, and there she is...

Juvia and the guy met each others blue eyes. Soon everything slowed down then, time... just everything seemed to stop between them. It's like they got the whole world all by themselves. The wind  stopped. The waters stayed still. The sun shines brighter as ever. Everything just seemed so perfect. Neglecting what's happening around. It's just the feeling of reuniting that took over everything. Seeing each other again looked like their everything.

"Who's that guy?!" The annoyed ice mages snapping back the the two blue-haired people to reality.

"Oh yeah! Uhmmm........ Who are you again?" Natsu replied but continued to the guy next to him.

"Oh! I'm s-sorry. I'm Teito and I-I'm here to see Juvia Lockser," He replied then turn his eyes back to Juvia.

Juvia's head started to hurt. Her both hands held her head and slightly shook her head. The guys started to worry, even Teito run to her at the bar as fast as he could. He held Juvia's shoulder for support so she won't fall but she gave in and bump against Teito's chest. The ice wizards was just shocked at the sight, the whole guild rather.

Juvia is whining in pain now. She could see a picture forming inside her head. The dream she has been dreaming all this time. It's getting sharper and sharper. The scene started to be colored. Every detail. A picture of a boy. First the smile that melted her heart. Then up to his nose. His eyes, its blue orbs containing comfort that is trying to hide his own sorrows. Then up to his fine dark blue hair. Then zooming out the picture. He looks like him. "Teito?" Juvia looked up to him confirming the image of her past. "Juvia," he replied. Both shed tears, not the sad once but because of the great amount of happiness they're feeling right now. They hugged each other.

"I'm glad I got to meet you again," as Teito sobbed and put a smile as big as what he wore the first time they met but the most real one.

"I'm glad I got to see that smile for the second time in my life,"  Juvia responded.

"Eh?!!!!!!!!!!" the whole guild  reacted, including the two ice mages with their most confused and shocked faces.

Would Like to Meet You Again (Juvia x ???)Where stories live. Discover now