Chapter 6

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After delivering the herb, they walked back to go home maybe. And is still raining lightly.

"So, how do we do this?" Lyon asked referring to the reward. Well, they got a million jewel and since there were three of them, they decided to divide it with three. Now, they got 300,000 jewels each. Yeah, it's hard to divide the other 100,000 jewels equally.

"What if we go get something to eat using that? The three of us?" Gray suggested.

"Oh that's a great idea you got there younger apprentice! So, what do you think Juvia-chan?" Lyon quickly turned a look to Juvia and said it excitedly.

"Yes, that's nice." Juvia agreed with smile.

They trailed down the road to town. Lyon is looking happy, for he is closer to Juvia-chan as they walk under the big umbrella he made for two, obviously just for him and Juvia. Gray made his own ice umbrella and is irritated on how childish Lyon is over Juvia. And Juvia walks with a little smile and is between the two mages.

These are nice guys. We just met yesterday, and here we're friends I think. Juvia is really happy that she met Lyon-sama and Gray-sama. They make Juvia smile too... But still, why do Juvia feels longing and missing? The thought made Juvia's smile dropped, the rain poured a little heavier, and the guys noticed.

"What's wrong Juvia-chan?" Lyon asked dropping his smile too.

"Nothing Lyon-sama. I just remembered something, let's get going?" She put a smile on her face once again but a fake one, the two mages know that. That's not the same smile she's ever given to them.

Every time she gives smiles to them, they feel happiness and warmth. Every time she smiles to them, they see her shine. Every time she smiles to them, they feel special. And this last smile she gave to them, they felt unease, there's something wrong, and they're sure of it.

"Okay if you say so Juvia-chan," Lyon displayed a smile on his face. He knows that he can't be help on whatever the reason why that fake smile appeared on her beautiful innocent pink lips.

Gray didn't say anything. "That little kid! I know he's the reason of her sudden sadness! Why can't she just forget about that kid?!" The two other mages stopped and turned a gaze to him, shocked. Lyon with 'huh-look'. And Juvia was shocked, she knows who he is talking about. And Gray looked at the two, staring on him. He just realized that he said the last sentence out loud.

The rain poured heavier once again, as Juvia collected water on her eyes still looking shocked on what Gray said.

"Juvia, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-," Gray was cut off.

"It's okay Gray-sama. Juvia should just forget about him," Juvia looked down now.

"Hey, what's going on? What's that 'forget-about-that-kid' thing?!" Lyon is confused.

Tears are falling from Juvia's face now. "Gray what did you just did?!" Lyon shouted at Gray and put a hand over Juvia to comfort her. But she's still crying heavily as time passes.

"B-But...I...just can't... forget his sweet smile to me..." She muttered, as audible for the two mages to hear her and they were shocked on how she spoke on first person that time, between sobs. "And he's... the first... person... who to me...And that made... me wanted to... live and be stronger... For someday, I... am hoping... I could see him... again."

"What the hell?! I don't know what's really happening?! And how do Gray know something about this, about Juvia?!" He's shouting inside his head.

"I'm sorry Juvia. I know he's important to you. I'm really sorry," Gray apologized and gave a hug to the crying water mage. He felt warmth. He felt drops over his chest, they're tears of the sad Juvia. Then, Juvia started to settle her tears. She parted from Gray's hug.

"I'm also sorry Gray-sama. I'm fine now thank you," Juvia looked at the two. "Juvia is still happy that she met you, two!" Now she exhibited the usual smile she has given to the two.

"Hey! Wait!! I don't understand! Tell me what's going on! I'm going to die confused if you won't tell me!!!" Lyon exclaimed. Juvia laughed, the rain poured light again.

"Hey, why are you laughing at me Juvia-chan?!" Lyon asked with confused face.

"Lyon-sama is so cute with that face and reaction!" Juvia giggled and blushed. Lyon blushed as hard as he could.

"What?!!!!!! But he looks like a confused monkey with that tangled face?!!!!!" Gray can't believe what's he hearing right now.

"Did Juvia-chan just said that I am CUTE?!" Lyon is still blushing as red as his face can be while registering Juvia's words. "I'm gonna EXPLOOODDDEE!!" He fell on the ground with the umbrella,. Gray made a bigger ice umbrella this time and handed it to Juvia so they won't get wet.

"Hey Lyon-sama!!!" Juvia yelled. But no response from the Silver bluish haired guy who's having a big grin on his face repeating the words of Juvia in his head while lying on the road.

"Lyon!!!" Gray shouted at him. "Lyon fainted?!!! By that 'Cute' thingy?!!!! How childish." He thought. He grabbed Lyon and shook him as hard as he could but still, there lay the unconscious smiling Lyon.

"I'm gonna have time with Juvia then, huh?" Gray whispered to Lyon with a smirk, inaudible to Juvia.

Lyon snapped back to present time as he heard Gray. "I'm not gonna let you have Juvia-chan Gray!!!!"

"So that really worked huh?" Gray said to himself. "I really am sure now that you like Juvia."

By that, Juvia looked at the consciously-alive-now Lyon and Lyon looked at her too. But they immediately turned they gaze to somewhere else while blushing.

"What?! Does Juvia likes Lyon??!!!Why is she blushing?! It's not turning out on what I like to!" Gray said to himself in disbelief and defeat.

There's a little silence.

"Knock it off!" Gray yelled and sighed to the awkwardness he feels between the two.

"By the way, there's a café there! Let's go!" Gray said as he pulled Juvia leaving Lyon behind but immediately run after them.

"Gray-sama? It hurts," Juvia looked at her wrist. Gray grabbed it too tight.

"I'm sorry," Gray apologized as he hesitantly let go of her wrist. "I just don't want Lyon to have you Juvia." He thought sadly.

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