Chapter 11

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Their story was told to everyone in the guild. All are sharing the same expressions of amazement and feeling the love in the air. Teito and Juvia sometimes take glances to each other, and feeling a heat rising up to their cheeks.

Everyone were interested except for two, they already know the story anyway. They were at the bar secretly death glaring Teito.

"How dare that Teito super close to my Juvia?!" They both thought. Jealous? Their brain said. "Hell Yeah!!!!!!" They both yelled.

All heads in the guild turned their heads in sync to the ice mages.

After realizing the situation, they felt embarrassed.

"Hehehe...Don't mind us... Just continue the story, guys..." They said in unison while Gray run his hand to his messy hair and Lyon rubbed the back of his head.

"Gray-sama... Lyon-sama..." The bluenette called while walking towards them and Teito following her.

"Yes?" They both said in sync, again. They're starting to be irritated on this synchronization thingies.

"Juvia would like to tour Teito around and I'm inviting you, two, to come with us?" Juvia asked shyly.

"How cute!!!" They thought, again.

"Sure Juvia/Juvia-chan," the ice mages looked at each other irritated, "Enough for these synchronizations!!!" They both shouted getting the attention of the whole guild and all burst in laughter while Juvia just giggled along with Teito who just smiled.

The four walked around Magnolia. Well, it was supposed to be Juvia who tour Teito but every time she talks to Teito, the two ice mages interfere and will do the talking especially Gray since he and Juvia lives in Magnolia. Then they rest at the park. Under the sakura trees, beside a river, they all sat. Teito-Juvia-Bickering Gray and Lyon.

Soon they all settled in silence.

'Til Gray broke it. "So Teito, what magic do you use?"

"Uhm, water. Same as Juvia."

"Oww. Me and this old hag here uses ice," Gray replied.

"Who you calling old hag we're just the same age, you stripper pervert!!" Lyon shouted. They quickly bump each others heads.

"Gray-sama, Lyon-sama. Stop this at once please.." Juvia pleaded as the two obeyed quickly, impressing their beloved.

Then silence, again.

"Let's go back to the guild now?" Asked Juvia and they all nodded. Juvia and Teito talked to each other while walking.

While the two ice mages followed, not saying anything. They  felt jealous and irritated... They both sighed with their head low.

Would Like to Meet You Again (Juvia x ???)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें