Taking a beating

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Going to warn you guys, this has quite a bit of violence, swearing, and abuse. ~ Courtney

Courtney's PoV

I feel like I'm drowning in the past. I thought I had escaped it once I left that terrible school. What they put on my profile picture made me a mockery of school. I'm still surprised I have what little friends left. She kept bragging how her daddy was getting her in the best school in the world why is she here? 'Probably cause she hadn't got the grades and her daddy couldn't pay her into it'. A small smile glanced onto my face but as soon as it was, it quickly disappeared. I was walking through the school, trying to avoid anyone and everyone, not wanting to bring attention to myself as the end of school finally came. I managed to avoid Amelia, Leah, and Eris all day but a voice called out to me, "Found something funny pet?" I stopped walking in my tracks and looked up to see Amelia standing there with her hand on her hip and that sick smile on her face. I look around the hall to see if there was anyone I could hide with or witness what she was about to do or say to me but there wasn't. The entire hall I thought a moment was full, was now completely empty. "Didn't you hear me?" Her smile dropped and turned into the horrifying snarl that I remembered. Panicking I dropped my books and bag then went to bolt somewhere else but I felt two pairs of hands grab hold of my arms from behind. Looking over I saw Leah and Eris holding me firm. 'Oh shit...' I didn't move afraid that they would hurt me. Then again with my training in karate, it would be easy to take all three out but... I just couldn't not after what they did last time I fought back. Maybe that's the reason they do this because I can't fight back. "It was such a surprise when we saw you in lunch yesterday. I thought it would be fun if we... caught up on the time we've missed together." With that, she stormed up to me and grabbed my tail that was frantically flying behind me. "N-No Amelia, leave me alone. Don't hurt my tail!"

"Or what mutt? You made me seem like a fool yesterday when you stood up to me. Which I found pretty cute when you stood up for your friends and when they did the same for you." She pulled out a lighter from her pocket and sparked the top, causing the flame to burst into flame. Fire the one thing I absolutely hated in this world. I began moving around in their grip which I easily got out off. Turning around I punched Leah in the face swiftly before pushing open a door looking for somewhere to hide or someone to help. When I looked around, my face paled. It was my luck that I stumbled into the locker room. I was about to jump into a locker hoping they wouldn't find me when I heard the door open from behind me. "Oi bitch, how dare you punch me!" It was too late, if I ran they know I'm in this room and I can't get past them. A soft whimper escaped my throat. 'I could... I could run and beat the crap out of them an-'

"Don't bother about running again or trying to beat us up. You know what happened last time you did that. I'm sure you don't want another repeat of it, do you?" I grimaced at the past and shook my head. "Good, now sit." I glared at her but did as I was told anyways like a puppy and sat on the ground. "What a great place to pick, it's like you know that we wanted a place with no cameras. Go ahead Leah," That's when I began to panic. I gave them a perfect place to do whatever they wanted to me. They can't put cameras in the changing rooms because of privacy, that's why they used to torture me in the bathroom or changing rooms in our old school. "Gladly," she took a run up and swung her leg at my face, hitting me in the eye." I hissed and growled slightly at the pain and was about to jump up and rip her face to shreds when Leah's tutting voice rang around the room. "You must be a good pet and accept your punishment for hurting your owner."

"You don't own me..." I mumbled under my breath but it seemed like she heard me. "We'll see about that" He scowl came back but Leah and Eris looked excited as they knew what was about to happen. They ran at me once again and pinned me down to the ground, face towards the floor, with my arms spread out to the sides and my legs together. I just laid there, giving in to them, not struggling no more. Once again she grabbed my tail and lit the lighter. "Hopefully, this hurts a lot." She put the flame to the tip of my tail and began burning the hair and little skin that is on it. I began to cry out before something was shoved into my mouth which I guessed was a forgotten sock that was on the floor. She moved the flame up my tail burning more patches of fur off it and turning the skin a blistering red. Once she was satisfied she held a hand out to Eris who shuffled around in her pockets before pulling out a pocket knife. Passing it to Amelia, she ripped my shirt open from the back and began cutting into my back. I kept screaming into the sock and a single tear slipped my eye. She stood up and admired her work. "Alright girls have fun but be quick, daddy is taking us to the mall in ten minutes." The other two nodded before flipping me onto my back which I winced at but they didn't take notice. They began kicking my sides and stopping on my ribs. I tried my hardest to minimise the harm by curling into a ball and wrapping my tail into my body to protect it from harm. After a few minutes, they stopped and left me there laughing as they went. After I knew they were completely gone I uncurled from the ball and tugged the sock from my mouth. I struggled to get up but when I did I reached for a locker to grab a hold off. I was about to look for something to replace my torn shirt when the door opened. Then a head popped around the corner holding what seemed to be my bag and stuffing my books into it. "Courtney is way too clumsy, dropping her stuff in the mid-" When he looked up he saw me standing there. "C-Courtney?! What the hell happened to you." Thankfully it was only Jordan. If it was any of the other guys then I would have been worried, especially Travis. "J-Jordan what are you doing in the girl's locker room?"

"This is the guys and why are you bleeding?!" I blushed hard once I realised that I was in the male changing room and I began to stumble around feeling faint from the flood. Jordan sprinted and grabbed me settling me down onto a nearby bench. "I'll explain everything when I get back home... Can you grab my jacket from my bag?" He pulled my bag out and got the jacket handing it to me and I zipped it over me quickly. Nodding I got up, took my bag and began limping towards the door. Before long I felt a hand underneath my arm and I looked to see that Jordan was helping me carry my weight. We managed to get home and thankfully my dad was out working night shifts so I had the home alone and didn't have to explain the situation to him. I doubt he wants to hear that Amelia was back again. I got into my room and pulled out a first aid kit and Jordan helped me clean up my wounds as I explained to him my past and what happened in the changing rooms only an hour ago.

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