"You're mine Zayn." Justin growled before capturing my lips in another kiss.

This time, however, the kiss did not start off gentle. He was extremely rough from the start and then he started trailing little butterfly kisses down my neck.

"Justin..." I whined.

He found my sweet spot and started sucking a hickey onto the spot. I was a moaning mess by the time he was finished and, as if for good luck, he ran his tongue round it one last time.

"There. Now everyone knows you're taken." He smiled and admired the fresh love bite on my neck.

"Justin! My dad's are going to kill me!" I realised.

"Here, I bought this just for occasions like this." He said and went over to his top drawer to retrieve something. "This is concealer and you put it over the love bite to make it disappear. Don't put too much on though, just enough to cover the bruise, you don't want it patchy so blend it into your skin."

"Wow you're prepared."

"That's not all I'm prepared for babe." He smirked.

"Can we go to bed? I'm tired." I said and he nodded.

"Here." He said and threw me one of his shirts.

"Thanks." I smiled and slipped the top on. I removed my trousers and then got into bed beside Justin who was only wearing his boxers.

"Night baby." Justin said as he brought me closer to him.

"Night Justin." I said and slipped into a land of dreams.

~~~~~~Next Morning ~~~~~~

I woke up before Justin and decided not to wake him up because he looked so peaceful.

I went into the living room where I could hear the TV.

"Morning Zayn." Josh said as he put on his jacket.

"Morning Josh." I said.

"I'm going out to the gym and then I'm going to get some groceries so you and Justin can help yourself to breakfast. When he wakes up tell him to make you two breakfast. Until he wakes up, the cups are in the shelf up there and there's juice in the fridge. I'm going to go now, bye." He waved before practically sprinting out of the door.

I sat down on the carpet in front of the TV because the carpet was just so soft! Josh had the news on the TV so I decided to change it to a channel I'd prefer. Flicking through the channels I stopped at one called Doc McStuffins. It looked so cool all of the toys coming to life and reminded me a bit of Toy Story.

I watched an episode of Doc McStuffins before realising I wanted a drink. I went into the kitchen to get one but when I went to get a glass from the shelf I realised I couldn't reach them.

The only shelf I could reach was the bottom one that held sippy cups for when Josh's niece and nephew come over. I huffed, I was really thirsty.

After a couple of minutes contemplating I decided to just use one of the sippy cups. I poured some juice into it and then took a seat on the fluffy carpet in the living room again, watching Doc McStuffins.

Justin's POV

I was woken up by someone giggling. I went to pull Zayn into a tighter hug, but realised it was only blankets. I sighed and got up, throwing on some sweats in the process, but leaving my top off.

I went into the living room to see the cutest sight ever! Zayn was sitting on the carpet watching a baby TV show and drinking a sippy cup. He's too cute.

I continued to watch him for a few more minutes, as creepy as that sounds, and watched him giggle at all the little things in the programme.

When the programme ended he turned around and caught me looking at him. He tried to change the channel but his hands were so shaky that the remote kept slipping out of them.

"I-I'm sorry." He sniffled.

"What're you sorry for baby?" I asked confused as I took a seat beside him on the floor.

"For watching a baby programme and drinking out of a sippy cup. But it's not my fault! I couldn't find anything else that I wanted to watch on the TV and I couldn't reach the glasses in the cupboard." He rushed out.

"Zaynie, it's fine if you like the programme and the sippy cups. I don't care. In fact, you looked extremely cute." I said as I bobbed his nose.

"You're just making fun of me!" He whined and I was taken back.

"Zayn I promise you I'm not teasing you. I really don't care if you like these things, if they make you happy that's great because seeing you happy, makes me happy. Also, I love the sound of your little giggle, and the way you kept slurping on the sippy cup to get the rest of the juice out. I love how you would keep rubbing your eyes because you're still tired and the way you push your hair back when it gets in your eyes. Overall, I love you Zayn, because you're so perfect. Other people might say there's no such thing as perfect, but you're my type of perfect. I love you baby." I concluded.

"I love you too Justin." He said and I pulled him onto my lap.

"Do you want me to go and get you more juice baby boy?" I asked.

"Yes please."

"Do you want it in the sippy cup again or a glass. It's okay if you want it in the sippy cup." I smiled.

"Sippy cup please." He said shyly.

"Okay baby, I'll be back in a minute."

I put some more juice in his sippy cup and retreated back to the living room to see another episode of Doc McStuffins starting.

"I love you Justin." He said snuggling into me again.

"I love you too baby boy."

Hey guys!

So part of this chapter is an idea that the lovely loulouoz sent me! Thank you very much and I hope I did okay and it's how you imagined it to be.

So the book reached 6k reads! Thank you very very much!

If you have any prompts please send them in as I need ideas for the next chapter!

Pretty please with a cherry on top, don't be a silent reader. You could comment or vote if you like the chapter because the support from you guys makes me want to write more.

For all of you have been reading this from the start, and you know who you are, I want to say a massive thank you as I really do appreciate you voting and commenting on the chapters and mainly just sticking with it.

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Thank youuuuuu



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