When he's hurt

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Nya pushed through the crowd, and you followed, only to see Gene, that evil genuis guy, and his friend, Brad... and Lloyd.

(Image upthere for those who haven't watched/doesn't remember episode 3 from season 2 "Double trouble")

These guys are one of the biggest bullies in school, and also there have always been something between them and Lloyd.

Gene was holding Lloyd from the coller of his shirt.
"I told you I don't want to fight." Lloyd said with a straight face.

"Then you'll ease things from me."

It all happened in a flash..
Gene let go of Lloyd's shirt, then punched him hard in the stomach. He flew back in the process, wrapped his arm around his stomach, while he bent down, growning.

A smirk mixed with pain appeared on his lips. "You asked for it then." He muttered.

Lloyd stood straight and looked Gene in the eyes and smirked.
He clenched both his fists and was about to charge at him, but someone - Brad to be precise - snook on him and hit him in his back.

Lloyd yelped, then kicked him, but, even before he knew it, Gene aimed his fist at his nose, which then started bleeding.
The poor blond boy started loosing balance. He recieved a hit on his left eye, and another one in the jaw, which made him fall on the ground, and black out.

That devil walked to Lloyd, and harshly stepped on his right arm on purpose while smiling.

The two boys walked away. Some girls from the crowd started acting like... girls. Nya and Zane went to Lloyd and tryed lifting him up, and..

"What's happening here?"

A teacher who have seen the crowd asked from behind the number of students.

That's Mr. Garmadon!

"Mr. Garmadon is here!" Nya exclaimed. "Zane buy us some time."

"Is there anything I can help with?"

"Do you know that abandonned classroom at the end of the hall?"

You answered affirmativly.

"Can you take Lloyd there? If his father saw him like that... well it won't end up in a good way. I must go get Mrs. Misaco."

You nodded, as Nya ran as fast as she can.
You wrapped Lloyd's arm around your neck and started heading to the emty classroom.

This is the closest I've ever came to him.

You reached the class Nya told you about.

You layed Lloyd on the ground and sat next to him.

You got a handkerchief from your pocket and started wiping the blood that bleeded from his nose and mouth.

Wish I could have helped...
Why didn't I do something?!

You sighed at your thoughts.

It's not your fault, it was quick and you could have done nothing anyway.

Just then, Zane entered.
"Where is Nya?"
"She said she'll get Mrs. Misaco."
"Okay then. Let me see him."

Zane approached Lloyd and started examining his nose, jaw, and arm.

"If I wasn't wrong, his nose is not broken, but, unfortunately, his arm might be."
"So what do we do?"
"There should be a first-aid box in that old tirror, can you get me some bandages?"

[ON HOLD] The Troublemaker (A Ninjago AU Lloyd x reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now