Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 - I haven't edited it, so tired. Sorry for any mistakes.

Ellie's POV -

Its been a week since me and Harry visited his parents, everything is going okay. Don't get me wrong Harry can be utterly intolerable at times but so am I. I have spent the pass week at Harry's apartment. Holly and I still keep in touch I see her at University, sometimes. But we always message each other.

Harry has been getting very antsy, his dad keeps pestering him about doing some work for his company that he clearly wants no part in, at all. But I have been so preoccupied all I keep thinking about is this stupid family meal I have this weekend. I dodged the conversation about boys via text message with my mom, however I don't think it will be as easy to get out of at the meal itself. It's not that I don't want to tell my parents about Harry, because I really do. Its just I know my dad will have his opinion of Harry start away without meeting him. I'm not that worried about my mom's reaction because she has always been pretty reasonable about me dating.

Luckily the meal itself is in the city therefore I don't have to travel back home and stop there. I plan on going to the meal this Saturday and return to Harry's apartment on the night. Other than my hidden reservations about the meal everything is fine.

James hasn't messaged me since the last text at Harry's families home. I don't plan on speaking to him any time soon, I already know what Harry's reaction to that will be. Not good to say at the least.

Quickly jamming the key into the lock of the apartment door, I step inside closing the door behind me. Harry gave me the spare key when we came back from his parents house, claiming it will be 'handy'. Which is true, since I finished later than Harry today because I had to do some marketing research at the library, which he refuses to do because "its shit".  I slip my heels off at the door, hanging my coat on the coat rack near the entrance and place my bag next to it.

Due to the cold weather I walk straight into the kitchen and turn on the kettle hoping a warm drink will rid of the coldness the winter weather in London.

"Babeeeee" I hear Harry's voice call from the lounge.

"Yeah" I call back.

"Are you making a drink?" he asked.


"Can you make me one?" he shouts from the living room again.

"No, stop being lazy." I joke, smirking as I add a tea bag to my mug and grab an extra mug for Harry, dropping in a tea bag and two sugars.

"Oh please." His voice sounds a lot closer that previously.

"Not happening" I say. Shaking my head as I pour the boiled water into both cups. As I place the kettle down and pick up the spoon a pair of hand arms wrap around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder.

"Not happening, huh?" he smirks looking at the two drinks I have made.

"Your way with words convinced me Mr Styles." I giggle as he kisses my neck and grips my hips tighter.

"I like it when you call me that, makes me feel powerful" he mumbles into my neck.

"Makes you feel powerful and makes me feel innocent" I hum as his gentle kisses turn into rough nips of the skin.

"I like where this is heading" he grins.

"Well I'm heading to the fridge because I like milk in my tea."

I place my hands on Harry's that have firm grip in my hips and remove them from my body, turning around to face him. He is quick to trap my body between his arms that now grip the counter top either side of my body. I bit my lip and look up at him.

"You've got me in a very comprising position" I pause slightly "Mr Styles." I grin at my use of his surname. He shakes his head.

"Well Miss Wilde you are an awful tease?" he states smugly.

"Awful?" I raise my eyebrow.

"You and I both know you give into my 'way with words' too easily." I step my body close to his and raise my body onto my tip toes. My chest is pressed against his and I gently brush my lips against his. My arms snake around his neck.

"Is that a challenge?" I whisper against his lips, removing my body completely from his. He stands stunned as I brush past his body to the fridge grabbing the milk.

"Milk?" I ask sweetly. I do it purposely to get Harry to speak, I know he drinks his tea with milk. His closes his slightly agape mouth and nods. Remove the tea back from his drink and then pour some milk in. Once his drink is done I smile innocently at him s grab my drink and head to the lounge.

"Not so fucking innocent now are you?" Harry askes trailing behind me with his drink in hand as well. I shake my head and walk to the coffee table. Placing my drink carefully on the table I take a seat on the sofa. Harry sits next to me.

"So you seem in a better mood today" I state.

"My dad just frustrates the hell out of me, I want no fucking part of his company. So I spoke to him today and told him simply. You know so I called my mom today and told her. She sorted it" he smiles and grabs his tea.

"Such a mommy's boy" I mumble. 

I have no time to react before my body is pinned underneath Harry's on the sofa.

"What was that?" he asks

"Mommy's boy" I reply proudly. 

His mouth aims straight for my neck, he roughly starts sucking my neck. I instantly feel the blood raise tot he surface. I squeeze my eyes shut and arch my back. lifting my back from the sofa pushing my body to Harry's as his lips aggressively attack my neck. He bites and sucks at my neck, definitely leaving a mark. He licks the mark he has made before he removes his head from my neck.

"One of the best I have ever made" he smiles smugly. I feel a dull ache on my neck.

"Is it bad?" I ask.

"Look in the mirror" he smirks. Oh fuck.

I stand from the sofa and walk to the mirror that hangs in the hall way. I look at my reflect and my jaw nearly hits the floor. I big bright red and purple bruise takes place right on my neck, I don't even think my hair will cover this or concealer.

"OH MY GOD HARRY" I shout from the hallway. He walks into the hallway to me and acts unknowingly.

"What?" he grins.

"Look at this" I hiss as I touch it.

"Punishment" he shrugs his shoulders.

"Oh you wait Harry, I'll get you back" I smile.

I stand observing the love bite and Harry watches my reactions.

"I love it like this."

"What?" I ask.

"I love you being playful and carefree" he states and moves his body to mine. Standing in front of me his wraps his arms around my body.

"I'm still not impressed with this, what am I going to do on Saturday?" I ask.

"Saturday?" He frowns at me.

"Family meal, my dad is going to be so pissed."

"It will be fine, I'm pretty sure it will have faded by then, slightly." I groan and bury my head in his chest. He lifts my chin and brings his lips gently to mine. I open my mouth and allow Harry into my mouth. My hands glide up his chest and around his neck. His hands grip the back of my legs just below my bottom and he lifts. Picking up my body, I wrap my legs around him as he walks us to the bedroom.

I moan into Harry's mouth as he pushes my back against the bedroom wall, his crotch pressed against mine. My nails graze the skin of his neck and dig in slightly. I bite his lip and his moves his mouth from mine.

"I told you" he smirks.


"You give in too easy."

"Its your way with words."

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