Chapter 4

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Author Note - I know it's abit slow at the beginning but I want you to know all the background.

Chapter 4 -

Ellie's POV

Walking down the stairs to the first floor, linking arms with Holly. I thought to myself how happy I was because I'd made a friend on my first day of university life and was going out with her and her friends.

Entering the entrance room I noticed that Jane was still sitting at her desk flicking through paper work. But as soon as she noticed me and Holly she looked up from the paper work.

"Nice to see you girls getting along so well, oh have a goodnight but don't get too drunk!" She said this with a wink

"Oh don't worry about that Jane of course we will" Holly replied with a devilish smirk.

Ohh well I think that tonight might get interesting, but I don't think I will get drunk. I've never been drunk before, I've been close to tipsy on my 18th birthday it was a family meal and I had too many classes of champagne.

Leaving the dorm building the cold air hit me straight away, causing me to get goose bumps up my exposed legs.

"Erh I should of wore jeans" I muttered under breath.

"Oh don't be silly it will be warm in the car once the boys get here".

"Woahh boys?" I questioned Holly.

"Duh yeah, Harry and Niall are picking us up. I've known them awhile lovely boys my kind of people" she smirked.

"Ohh right". If she knows them surely they will be nice.

My kind of people? What's that mean?

Suddenly a cars headlights caught our attention. The car was the same as my moms but my moms Range Rover is a charcoal colour and this one was black. The car was just coming onto the car park and I could already here the sound of loud blaring rock music. The car pulled up at the curb and the music turned down and the driver turn down his window. And woah. My god he is so hot, he has dark brown curls that were pushed off his forehead. He had two huge dimples that were hard to miss since his face was plastered with a sly smirk. Holly started walking with me linked to her arm closer to the car. The closer I got the more I saw of him. He had two or three facial piercings that consisted of snake bites and an eyebrow piercing. Lots of tattoos that you see all on his arms and some poking out of the top of his white t-shirt. But then I was attracted to his big green eyes, they were so intense they pinned me to the spot.

"Ellie, this is Harry" she pointed to the curly haired driver.

"Hi" I smiled to Harry, he recognised my greeting by nodding his head.


"And that is Niall" she pointed to good looking blonde boy in the passenger seat. He had similar facial piercings to Harry. But not as many tattoos.

"Hiya Niall" I said giving him a slight wave.

"Alright girls" he winked.

Harry looked me up and down before taking his lip between his teeth. I felt my legs turn to jelly, damn.

"Are you girls gonna get into the car?" Harry said in a deep husking voice with a slight chuckle.

With at Holly made her way to the other side of the car sitting in the back seat behind Niall. Therefore I was left to sit behind Harry

As soon as I got into my seat a put my seat belt, if I'm getting in a car with two strangers I'm definitely wearing my seat belt. Although getting into a car with two strangers probably wasn't the safest thing anyway. I should took my own car and followed.

Then I was broken from my thoughts by Holly nudging me.

"Niall just asked you a question" she said.

"Ohh sorry deep in thought" I chuckled "what did you ask?".

"I asked where you are from?"

"Well I'm from Kent, what about you?"

"Originally from Ireland but I moved here a couple years ago".

After that small conversation it was pretty much quiet in the car, other than the music playing in the car. Rock music just isn't my type if music. Harry who was driving was mute the whole time. Holly was on her phone, oh crap my phone! I left it in the dorm because Holly dragged me out so quick. And Niall was also on his phone.

I leant my head against the window of the car and just watched us drive threw the busy streets of London. It felt like I'd been in this car for ages. But we left the dorm at 6:30 and now it's 7:00. There is no way I can walk from wherever this bar is back to my dorm. But I do need to get my jogging routine started again maybe jogging back would be a start. I giggled to myself at how stupid that sounds.

Soon enough we were pulled onto the car park of a bar. I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped out the car with everyone else. The bar looked abit run down to be honest. There were a group of men standing in the car park smoking. They were really close to the entrance of the bar, so I knew we were going to have to walk past them. And engage in some sort of conversation.

"Alright Harry!" One of the men called from the group. We walked towards the group, I moved closer to Holly. The man who called Harry was even more scary than Harry him self. He had loads of tattoos and piercings and black ruffled hair. He was very tall which intimidated me the most because I was so short. But I have only just noticed that Harry standing up is if not the same height as this man a little bit taller. Maybe Harry scares me.

"Alright Zac?" Harry replied expressing no emotion to him.

"Who are these two beautiful girls you've got here?" I cringed at his use of beautiful and the fact he was referring to me made it even worse.

"I'm Holly" she chirped.

"And you are?" He turned to me with a unsettling look on his face. His brown eyes bored into my skin.

"Ellie" I said trying to sound confident and not show my fear.

"Well Ellie maybe later me and you could have a chat on our own hmn?" He said looking me up and down. What do I say? I don't want to talk to him alone.

"Sorry mate you can't have her tonight, she is with us." Harry said in his deep voice. The boy Zac huffed and turned back to the conversation with his group of friends.

Oh Jesus thank god for that, Harry just saved my ass there.

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