Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ellie's POV -

"I can't believe how much stuff you brought" Holly said looking at all my clothes piled on the bed along with numerous amounts of shoes on the floor.

"Well I need all these clothes and I love my shoes" I giggled. Lining up all my shoes converse after converse, ugg boots, boots, flats, heels and vans. It's safe to say I own more pairs of converse than heels.

About an hour of non-stop unpacking and organising. I was sorted, my clothing and shoes were organised into the wardrobe and my perfumes and make up was organised onto the dresser. All my books were organised under the bed until I could just some shelves.

"Well I better be going soon" my mom said gathering her hand bag. I looked to see the time 4:30. Holly was sitting on her bed on her phone.

"Oh I didn't realise the time, yeah ill see you out and I can say goodbye" I got up off the floor from where I was organising.

I stepped up outside and my mom followed me I shut the dorm door. I could see that my moms blue eyes were getting glossy.

"I'm so happy your settling in well and that you and your roommate get along. You know me and your dad are drive or phone call away. Me and your dad will pay for running your car" she said to me smiling, tucking a piece of my hair behind of my ear.

"Thank you I will miss you loads mom" I said and gave her a hug.

"I'll miss you aswell, I love lots. Take this your allowance will be in it every week, I want to make sure your safe." She said this handing me a bank card.

"Thanks mom but you know that I want to get a job." I hugged my mom and just didn't want to let go she is my best friend.

"I know hunny but I'm always there and I want you to know" she let go of me and smiled.

"Bye mom" I smiled.

"Bye baby" she started walking down the hallway to leave.

I walked back into my dorm room to find Holly looking through my wardrobe.

"Can I help you?" I giggled standing next to her in front of my wardrobe.

"Well no I'm helping you get ready for us to go to a bar tonight." She picked up my black mini skirt and threw it onto my bed along with a plain white top. She picked up my black leather jacket. "This is what your wearing, we're going to a bar". Then she scooped to pick up my black heels.

"No no no no I am not wearing them, I'll wear these" I picked up my black combat boots.

"Okay go get ready." she threw the clothes at me and walked up to me and pinched my cheeks.

"Ughh okay." I can't deny I'm excited to experience a bar in London. I've only been to a few parties and that was in Kent. So it wasn't that exciting. Just usually family events.

I went to leave the dorm to get changed in the shower room.

"Where are you going?" Holly asked me with her hand on her hip.

"To get changed." I said spinning around to face her.

"Get changed in here, we're both friends and girls" she laughed.

Friends? I've actually made a new friend.

"Erm okay." I stood by bed and dropped the clothes on my bed.

I lifted my hoodie over my head and threw it on the floor. I took off my converse. I took my jeans off that left me in my black lace underwear. I love lace underwear. Then I lifted my top over my head to reveal my matching black bra.

"Omg Ellie." I turned around to face Holly.


"You have a great body!" She said looking me up and down, I know I was blushing.

"Erm thanks" I giggled.

I got dressed quick covering up I was abit embarrassed. I sat on the bed lacing my boots up, then I see Holly getting undressed and putting a short black dress with heels and a similar black leather jacket as me.

"I'm a little nervous I've never been to a bar in London before." I said walking over to the dresser and picking up my favourite perfume and spraying some on my neck and wrists.

"Oh your gonna love it." With that she grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door. I quickly grabbed the bank card my mom gave me an shoved it into my jacket pocket. She wouldn't mind me using it, in my defensive this bank card is a very important part of making friends. I need to be able to buy drinks.

"My friends are picking us, there on campus now." She said whilst locking the dorm room.

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