Chapter 5

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Chapter 5-

Ellie's POV

We walked into the bar and it was packed with people who all dressed and looked the same as Harry, Niall and Holly. Thank god Holly dressed me the sane as the other people because I would of definitely around out. The bar was filled with heavy rock music the amount I've just listened to in Harry's car, I've kind of got used to it. I stayed close to Holly as we approached the bar to order some drinks. I stood in between Harry and Holly and Niall stood next to Holly on her other side.

"What do you want to drink?" Holly shouted to me over the loud music.

"I'll drink whatever your drinking" I shouted back.

Then I turned to Harry who was busy on his phone. I have to thank him for outside he really helped me a lot out there. I tapped his shoulder and he turned to look down at me because I'm so much shorter than him. I beckoned him to come closer with my hand. I stood on my tip toes and Harry closer to me. I put my lips closer to his ear. So I could make sure he heard me over the music.

"I wanted to say thank you for what you did outside" I said directly into his ear.

I stepped down off my tip toes and looked up at him for some sort if reply. He just looked at me and nodded his head. With that I smiled and turn back to face the bar. Although it looked like I wasn't pissed off that he hadn't spoke to me, I certainly was pissed off that he just nodded his head. I'm not the list sociable person but I just tried to make conversation but he didn't want to speak back.

The young bartender handed me the drink that Holly had ordered for me. It was a bright pink colour and it smelt of raspberries. I brought the glass to me lips and took a small sip. It was very strong and it burnt my throat when I swallowed it. But after a few more sips it started to taste great. I hadn't noticed that the bartender was observing me drink the drink. I smiled at him and leant my elbows on the bar. I turned to see Holly kissing Niall, well I didn't see that coming. Haha. Turned to the left to see Harry kissing an unknown girl. She had dark brown hair similar to mine. That's all I can make out because I couldn't see her face.

Turned back to the bartender and I leaned forward to talk to him. But he thought I was leaning in to kiss him. The bartender quickly captured my lips with his. This wasn't my first kiss I kissed a boy at high school but that is all I have done with a boy. The bartender grabbed the side of my neck and deepened the kiss. At first I was hesitate to kiss him back but once I started I didn't mind. I think the alcohol I had gave me some courage. Our lips in sync and he swiped his tongue on my bottom lip and I quickly granted him access. After our tongues were finished exploring each others mouths. I pulled away and leant back off the bar. The bartender gave me a cheeky wink and smiled back at him. And took another sip of my drink.

I can't believe I just kissed a bartender on my first night out. It was so much fun.

After coming out of my daze from the kiss, I felt someone staring at me. I turned to my left to see Harry standing on his own staring at me.

"You might want to pull your skirt down, it has risen up after you practically climbed the bar to kiss the bartender." Harry said looking straight down at me as I tried to fix my skirt.

Slightly embarrassed by the way Harry spoke to me. I didn't even acknowledge his statement and turned the other way so my back was facing him.

I felt his presence behind me, I could feel how close he was to me. Two large hands grabbed my hips and pulled my body into his. One hand was removed from my hip and my hair was moved off my shoulder. His lips got close to my ear.

"It's rude to turn your back on people, don't ever do that to me again". He said this with his hot breath trickling down my ear. Then I felt soft lips kiss down my neck. My head fell back onto his shoulder and I shut my eyes. Enjoying the softness of his lips on my skin. But also the roughness of his mental lip bar on my skin. I felt Harry chuckle on my skin obviously liking my reaction to him. I was dragged back reality when I felt his hands move from my hips to my thighs. I pulled out of his grip and turned around to face him. He had the biggest smirk on his face.

"I think I need to go".

He nodded his head and grabbed my hand and dragged out to the car park of the club. The cold air made me shiver from head to toe.

We were making our way back to his car then I remembered Holly.

"What about Holly?" I blurted out.

"She left to go to Niall when you were kissing the bartender". He lashed out.

"Erm okay"

He unlocked his car I got into the passenger seat but he walked back towards the entrance of the bar. I looked in the wing mirror of the car and saw the girl he was kissing before standing there. Harry approached her and put his hands on he hips, then he started kissing her again. Annoyance filled my body, what if that was his girlfriend! I know he didn't actually kiss me properly but he was kissing my neck. I feel bad I let him do that to whilst he had a girlfriend. What was I thinking? I sighed and leaned back in the chair and covered my face with my hands.

The drivers door opened I removed my hands from my face and placed my hands in my lap. Harry started the engine in silence and i buckled my seat belt. I've chosen to ignore whatever happened between me and Harry in the bar. I glanced at the digital clock on the dash board 12:43. God tonight has gone quick.

"Same place I picked you up from?" He asked.

"Yep" my reply was short because I didn't really want to get into a conversation with him. Because I knew he would find out I'm annoyed at him for kissing that girl after what he done with me in the club. Such a fucking dick. Woah my language is terrible once I've had a drink. I know he isn't my boyfriend or anything but him kissing her straight after me just makes me feel worthless.

23 minutes of silence and we were back at my campus. I know it was 23 minutes because I kept watching the clock. He pulled up in a car parking space. I undone my seat belt and muttered 'thank you' before getting out of the car. I didn't even look back. I got the entrance and walked in before making my way up the stairs to my dorm room. I made my way down the hallway to mine and Holly's dorm. I unlocked the door to find the room empty. I took off my leather jacket and set down the key and my bank card on the dresser. I walked to the window and shut the curtains before getting undressed. Sitting on my bed I untied my boots, I stood up and lifted my white top over my head and threw it into the dirty laundry basket. Then I slipped my skirt off and threw that in the basket as well, along with my socks.. Walking over to my wardrobe to get some bed clothes in just my black lace matching underwear.

My dorm door opened.

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