The 3rd wheel

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Next thing I know...

He is ontop of me...And I'm allowing it! Now...I know what your thinking...


This went wayy south...





▪2 days later▪

I run to the bathroom and start puking....

"Aph!" Aaron runs to me and pulls my hair from my face "Oh...No..." I wipe my mouth

"I'm.....Pregnant...." I smile

*1 month later*

As I'm cooking dinner I feel To Farley large arms rap around me and An peck kiss on my neck


Mmmm.....Aaron~" I feel his smile Against my neck

"Babe~ You know I love you...but...You...can Not cook!" I Scoff

"Aaron! You jerk!" I push him off of me and grab a wooden spoon and chase him around our house "Get over here you Terd!" I Actually lose him!

"Aaron! Where are you-" He picks me Up and dumps me on the couch

"Awe babe~ Your getting fatter~" I playfully slap him

"Shut up! You made me fat!" He lifts up my shirt just above bellybutton level and Kisses my stomach

"Is it to early to feel a kick yet?" I roll my eyes

"Yes Aaron...It's only one month in! Of course its to early!" He lays next to me

"Ya'know your Cake is burning...." I jump up and run into the kitchen

"Aaron!abyou made me burn my cake!" He walks into the kitchen

"Ya Babe I guess I Am just wayy To distracting to you!"  He I know to well

"Oh! Shut up! You know good and well You didn't distract me!"

"Then Why did your cake burn?"

"You got me there!"


"Babe~" I say in one of the sweet tones I use to Get what i want

"Yes~¿" I can tell he is soo done

" Can you cook dinner~¿"

He moves me gently and makes dinner

"Ya'know I love you...But you....Really can't cook Dinner! Like you suck!"

"Yea okay! Don't rub it in! I know I never learned to cook! But at least I make good Sandwiches!"

He turns to me and gives me A strange look

"Aphmau I love you but...You are way to much...."


"Babe! Can You go and get me Some food~"

"Aphmau! You are fat enough!" He explains with a smile on his face "And I can't wait for you to be fatter!" He wraps his Arms around me and Kisses my neck

"I love you~"

"I love you more!"

"I love you most~"


Hey guys! So....Ik this was a SUPER short chapter but...Mcd got me dead...frfr....and Im fine as well as my fam! Also..Me and my bf broke up shortly after Hurricane Matthew..


As alex would say

It's all good in the hood


Luv you guys
And as always

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