Chapter 17: Snakes Part II

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Dominic smiled deviously then looked around the boulder. "Want to find out how fun compelling people can be?"


He zipped out around from the boulder and walked straight to a witch, who passed out at his feet. He looked to another, snatched her fingers and staring at her before she turned around with her fiery orange hair and started to fire orange streams of smoke at her fellow witches.

Ethan looked at me for a long moment, opening his mouth and closing it again. "Ethan we can't let whoever she's calling out!"

He looked around the boulder at the mess of clouds of magic and the bright light that the bloodstones were now giving off. "Levi's close."

"Well, then let's make sure she doesn't my so-called uncle out," I barked out before I started to run towards Dominic.

Ethan chased after me as I jumped over a compelled warrior that was coming for me and twisted around magic as I got closer to where Dominic was snapping the head of another witch. Aurelia clapped her hands together, yelling out a series of words that caused the ground to shake.

The rock cracked.

It was like when a rock hits the windshield of a car and creates a crack that slow snakes its way across the entire thing.

It cracked, then it started to open.

I felt my blood turn cold while my eyes watched in horror. Bernard yelled something out and nailed Aurelia with a stream of gray magic that drew a sharp out of her lips. She held onto her side where she was hit and looked around, the rock still opening and ground still shaking, while Caleb and Daphne rushed to the table with the books and frantically flipped through the pages.

Aurelia screamed out of anger then clapped her hands back together, singing something to the moon before she opened them.

It was like a wave.

A rush of green came towards us.

It was like energy flowing towards us, an energetic wave that hit me with all the power of angry water. It pushed me, pulled me, and rolled me around while I frantically tried to grab onto to something to steady me. I felt a hand grasp mine and pulled me to them.


Clinging onto him while we flew through the air, landing now far from where Daphne was standing behind Caleb as his hand held out what looked like an invisible umbrella that protected them and the table from the green wave. Ethan grabbed me and pulled me with him as he crawled over through the thick strong green wave until we were out of it and within the shelter that Caleb's forcefield provided.

Daphne turned and ran to us, she helped me up while Ethan scrambled up as well. "She cannot open it! We don't know what will come out!"

"How do we stop it?!" Ethan yelled out as the wave rushed passed us.

"In the books, Caleb and I are looking but we need time!"

I could feel them coming. I could feel Levi and all his wrath marching forward. I felt relief sweep over me until my eyes landed in front of me.

In front where Aurelia sent what looked like a black whip at Bernard, cracking it and sending him flying back. Another witched poofed in front of her, Wynona's hair in her hands while she thrashed around.

Dominic paused and eyed the human in horror as Aurelia smiled. She smiled as the green settled to revel what she had done.

The other side.

It was a big arch of light with a wall over it that looked fluid and shiny–almost like a soapy water rippling from a drop of water falling into it.

"Oh my God," Daphne breathed out. "Oh, Caleb."

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