chapter 15

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Ingrid Hofferson

Role model.

Ingrid was a women of many responsibilities. She played her part in life well and was a example that even the worst things can happen to the best of people. Here she lays,harshly taken from this world because her plane crashed. Ingrid was coming home from one of her yearly volunteer trips when the plane was launched off course by a stray storm. While her body was never found,she lives on in our hearts everywhere and her legacy can not be forgotten.

I was sick to my stomach. 

Funerals always gave me this feeling,but I had never suspected I would be sitting at my mother's funeral staring at her coffin being lowered into the hard cold soil and watching them cover her until she was out of sight.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I blinked hard pushing against the heavy flow.I know I must seem cold and heartless,but something about seeing your mother for the last time does something to you.

I lowered my head and tried to let my bangs shield my face from view.

All I wanted was for this to be over.

I was sick if everyone asking if I was okay. I was done with my father talking all business around me as if my mother had not just "passed". Sick of my phone blowing with condolences.

And worst of all I was sick of Hiccup trying to get me out of my room.

I just was not ready to face the cruel world. And I was definitely not ready to face him.

I spent the past week in my bedroom. Of course by normal standards it was not a small room. I feel that a large space apartment will be a better word for it.

I've been ignoring my dad for the past week and only come out for meals, which I eat alone.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, and turned to my music speaker and turned up soap by Melanie Martinez.

I turned to hear a knock at my door.

I rolled my eyes and yelled"Go away!" My voice was weak from neglect and just saying that sentence made my throat hurt even more.

I turned away and started to sit on my bed when I heard a certain voice plead with me from the other side"Please Astrid open up."

I clenched the bed sheets. I did not need this right now and especially not from him.

"Astrid please open up. You've - " I turned Melanie up louder and rolled to the other side of the bed. I did not want pity from anyone I just wanted my mom.

As it turned out avoiding Hiccup wasn't as easy as I thought. One trip to the bathroom and my room was unlocked. All he had to do was slip inside and wait.

And that exactly what the devil did. I mentally cursed my dad for not installing my own personal ladies room and stomped in the room.

Hiccup looked completely oblivious to the troubles around him . He was wearing a green collared shirt that matched his eyes and a dark pair of jeans."Astrid I know things have been hard for you,but you cant lock yourself up forever.

"It seemed to be working out for me." I replied shifting my weight to stand on one foot and glare at him from the door.

"Astrid..You know better than anyone else that I know what its like to lose someone you love." He said his green eyes locked on mine.

I breathed in a short  breathe. Of course Hiccup knows what its like to lose someone. He lost his mother just before he came to live with us.

Hiccup stood off the bed and slowly held out his arms. I was there in a matter of seconds. His arms wrapped around me in a comforting fashion as he rubbed my back in small circles. And for the first time since I heard about my mother..I cried.

(Well Hello fan girls! I know its been a long time since we have seen each other,but don't fear! I haven't given  up on you guys !

Also I want to say a big thank you for all the reads!!!! Its like 600!!

                                                       -- demigodintheheart 

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