Chapter 12

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Its funny how you can go from feeling on top of the world to being at the bottom of a pit.

Almost like the day after Christmas when you realize you have to go back to school.

Fun right?

Well then you know how I feel when I got a call from April saying she would be over in an hour.

Totally the best way to start off the day, I thought, who doesn't want to work with the amazing April?

Well if you find somebody tell me.

I was cleaning up my room and making sure to hide my candy stash when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Now I know who stole all the jolly ranchers."

I turned around to see Hiccup standing in my door frame smirking at me. "Like I said to  you more than a thousand times Haddock,you need to be on your hustle" He was wearing a grey sweatshirt that had a black dargon across the front and some dark jeans.

Hiccup laughed his green eyes filled with so much amusement I even giggled at my own joke.

"I remeber that when I have some real competition!" He shot back, earning a playful glare from me.

"Whatever Hiccup you couldn't touch me with a ten foot pole" I said smiling triumphantly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night,sweetheart!"

I turned just in time to see him kick off his shoes and plop down on my neatly made bed.


"I got tired of standing" he said almost bored" And your bed looked so comfy"

"Your excuse is full of crap"I said returning to my task at hand"just like you" I added smirking at him.

"Ha ha very funny, I hope you find some humor in making up your bed again" He said snuggling into my plush pillows.

I shook my head and laughed silently"Not gonna happen."

"Why are you making up your bed and cleaning up anyway anyway?" Hiccup asked turning over so he could face me. Elbow propped up and eyes attentive." Or hiding your treasure?"

"Well you know April right?" I asked, but I knew the answer.

Of course he knew April. The girl with the fake hair and flirty attitude.Just thinking of the way she was all over Hiccup made me sick.

He nodded motioning for me to go on."Well she is coming over to help me on a project"I finished trying to maintain a straight face.

"April as in... copycat April?" He confirmed

I rolled my eyes" Yeah Hiccup, that April"

"Don't you hate her?" Hiccup asked,confused

I rolled my eyes agian,boys don't even know the half of being a girl.

"I don't hate her,I... we just.. aren't friends like we used to be" I finished chosing my words carefully.

"Thats right you despise her" He said winking at me,like we shared some type of secret.

"Sure Hiccup"

He sat up on my bed and walked over to my window,looking out at the beach."So I was wondering... never mind" he mumbled.

"No go on.Whats on your mind?"I said sitting on my bed,giving up on cleaning my room.

"It nothing your probably too busy anyway" He said looking down,his auborn hair shielding his eyes from view.

"Seriously? I always have room to make time for my best friend" I said.

He visibly flinched making me confused.We are best friends right?

Before I could ask him about it he blurted out " I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me at the beach later?"

I was stunned.Why was he so nervous to ask me to the beach, I mean why would I refuse? It wasn't like I wanted to be stuck around April.

He must have taken my silence for a no,because his face became clouded over. He awkwardly tried to back out of my room his cheeks red and  mumbling "Sorry,I knew you were busy"

I reached out and grabbed his hand before he reached my door
" Of coures I'll go to the beach with you!How could I refuse?"

He turned towards me happiness etched all over his face" Tonight at 6:00?"

"Oh I see your asking for my permission this time"I joked crossing my arms over my chest jokingly.

Hiccup blushed"In my defense it was for a good cause!"

I laughed and pushed him out of my room" See you at six!"

He left looking back at me with amusement in his face."Definitely 6:00"

I closed my door and laughed silently to myself. I finished cleaning up my room just in time to near the door bell ring.

I sighed Get ready world,here comes April

A/n: are you guys excited? They are going on a date!!

Well....kind of. How did you guys like the chapter? Comment amd vote to tell meh how ya felt : )

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