chapter 13

605 13 15

April is annoying. Point.Blank.Period.

I had hardly opened the door before she had pushed it open and stalked in with her 4 inch heels.

"Hey Astrid!" She said leaning forward to give me a big hug. She reeked of over- expesive perfume ,I thought as I externally gagged. Holding my breath I gave her a squeeze in return. She pulled back giving me a good look at her outfit.

It was a V-neck fitted crop top that stopped just below her chest. She had on dark high-waisted skinny jeans and  her infamous heels.

April turned to me with a big smile on her face and said" It's so nice to see you Astrid! We haven't had any girl time in forever!" She said all this with a so much enthusiasm,I almost believed her.
I swallowed hard."Well you have me for an hour or two,so lets make the most of it"I said trying to match her attitude.

Luckily April didn't notice my phony behavior and proceeded along to the kitchen area,her heels smacking on the hard wood floor.

I took a deep breath and followed her.

Time to get our thinking caps on,I thought sarcastically

After about a hour or so of searching information about our country, Scotland,I decided I had had enough.

April basically spent the time painting her nails,  pretending to research, or even making phone calls(to God knows who). I had just about had enough.

I was just about to speak up when Hiccup came bounding into the kitchen. He had on a black and red t-shirt with black joggers.He had head phone in and didn't appear to have noticed us yet.

But April noticed him. And from the look in her eye,she intended to make sure he noticed her too.

She automatically put away her phone,but not before checking her reflection for the thousandth time. April fluffed up her fake blond hair and dabbed at her make-up before sliding off of her bar stool.

I sighed softly and collected the notes I wrote.

Well,looks like thats all we'll be doing today folks,I thought to myself as I finished up.

I turned aroud just in time to see April siddle up to Hiccup and tap his shoulder softly.

He turned around with a look of confusion and pulled out his headphones."Um... hello" He said giving me a quick glance.

I rolled my eyes  and gave him a knowing look in return.

April took all this in a stride. " Hello again! I'm April. Remember me from school? I'm one of Astrid friends" she said all this with a big smile on her face and an annoying polite air.

I rolled my eyes again. Of course April would try to make another move on Hiccup,didn't she already try before? Why couldn't she just take a hint and leave him alone?

Hiccup straightened and shook the hand she offered towards him,lookin extremely uncomfortable."Oh.. yeah April. I remember you".

"Really?" April said taking a few steps forward,totally invading his personal space."I didn't get to meet you well the last time,Hiccup. And I certainly didn't think you would remember a high schooler like me." She blinked at him innocently.

I don't know why but seeing the way she shamelessly flirted with Hiccup pissed me off. She doesn't have the right to come in my house and act like she owns the place.

And to make matters worse she pratically just ignored me. I could feel irratation building up and anger along with it. Time to show April what happens when you mess with Astrid Hofferson.

Time to show her whose boss.

"Um  Hiccup what time did you want to meet again?" I ask him,trying not go smirk when April turned around and shot me a confused glance.

Hiccul turned his attention away from April and replied "6:00.Why any change in plans?" He asked confused.

I smiled and balamced on the counter" No change. Just making sure we were still on."

April,finally sick of feeling left out said" What are you guys doing?" She said trying to act bored,but curiosity got the best of her.

" Oh nothing.." I said twirling my my wavy hair lazily"We were just talking about heading down to my family's private beach."

"Oh really?.." She said glaring at me,I smiled innocently amd nodded." Sounds like fun"

"Yep thats what we plan to have..." I sighed" Well April its almost time for us to go. Do you mind?"

Her face turned red when she found the meaning of my words. She pulled herself away from Hiccup and hurried to go pick up her purse." No. Of course not.. I guess I'll get going" She gave me one final glare before walking out of the kitchen.

I grinned when I heard  the satisfying slam of the front door.

" What was that all about?"

I turned back and saw Hiccup standing 5 feet away with two fudge pops in his hand.

I smiled at him and replied" Nothing. Absolutely nothing"

He gave me another one of his " I don't understand the minds of girls" looks, which made me smile even more.

"Well.." I said motioning towards the fudge pop" Aren't you gonna share?"

He smiled at me and handed me the fudge pop.

We sat side by side on the counter top enjoyjng each other's company and waiting for the beach to call.

A/n: are you happy that I updated? Cause I am!! Commemt and tell me what you think. Dont forget to vote!!

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