Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Have yall seen suicide squad yet?I went to go see it twice, and I posted this trailer bc I love this one plus,this is mah movie! Comment if your part of the skwad.

"And thats where the nerds sit"I say,looking at Heather's face as she takes it all in.

After we finished gym class and washed off we headed to lunch, and by conicdence Heather had the same lunch. While we headed out to lunch me and Ruffnut decided to show Heather around and show her how to avoid committing  social suicide.

We were just about to get in the lunch line when all of a sudden Fishlegs,carrying a arm load of books, almost ran heather over.

"Omg!" I yelled "watch were your going fish face!"

"Sorry" he said looking sheepishly in Heather's direction."hey your the new girl right?"

"Yeah" Heather replied, moving her out of her face,then she glanced down at the pile of books Fishlegs was carrying."Omg is that Harry potter?"

"Yeah it is"Fishlegs said looking up brightly" I'm ravenclaw what about you?"

"Probably slytherin"

At this point I was losing it. Since when does the popular girl have a conversation with a nerd like Fishlegs?

Didn't I just warn her about social suicide?

I looked over at Ruffnut amd saw her looking between the two with a look of contemplation.I gave her "what the heck is happening?"? look. She just shrugged her shoulders and contunied to study the two.

"Well fishlegs, it was nice bumping into you, but we gotta go eat, and get ready to hit the books" I said faking enthusiasm, while also guiding Heather away.

"Ok!"He said waving at Heather, who tossed him a small smile.

"He seems nice..."She said trailing off.

Oh no you dont!

"I actually know someone that you'll love!" I said

"Oh really who?"
There he is right now I said pointing.

And with his aamzing timing the most popular boy in school arrived.
"Hey pretty ladies!" Snoutlout said, winking at Heather, who blushed." Who's the new girl?

See I knew this would work. She's blushing already!

"Thats Heather!" I said for Heather, who was still lose for words.

"Well tell her that if ahe were a flower I'd pick her!" He said, throwing another wink in her direction.

Kill me now Lord

"Whatever Snoutlout! I said rolling my eyes.

He turned back to me and said" well,well if it isn't my best friend, I was actually coming over here to ask if you and your besties would care to grace your presence at my party this weekend?

"You know we could never resit a good party Snout" Rufnut said.

"Well then I'll see you ladies there I assume?" He said walking off
"Of course" I said waving at him.

"Um.. who was that?" I heard, truning back to realize that Heather had spoken for the first time since Snoutlout had come over.

"That was Snoutlout dearie, the most popular boy in school?"

And if everything plays out your future bf


"Um Ash? Ruffnut said

"Yep" I said turning my attention to her.

"I found April"

Sure enough the witch was making her way in our direction, but iwhat really caught my attention was her clothes.

She had on a skin tight  red  shirt that said fabulous on it,with a drop in the front which revealed far too  much cleavage. And she had a on leather tights and to add icing on top of the cake outrage high heels.Her face was caked on with make up that didn't even match her skin tone.

Of course my first though was, what in the world? Who knew that they evn made tights that tight? Why is he coming over here?

"Hey girls" April said, snapping me out of my nightmare and into reality, which isn't much of a change.

"Hi..." I said weakly

"So do you guys like my outfit? Brianna picked it out herself. "

Well that explains everything!

Brianna was my arch nemesis at berk high. Everything she did was too become popular.

Ex 1:she dyed her hair jet black just because I was a blond.

Ex2: she somehow compied my style, but made it more seductive  (there's a point in life where you gotta just stop the madness)

Ex3: she literally dated my exs just to say I stole them from her and that  I dated every boy she had her eyes on. (M'kay)

Ex4: do we really need a another example

Of course April would like her, I mean April wouldn't know ugly if it hit her upside the head several time (it probably did).

"Its gorgeous outfit!"I said lying through my teeth.

"If only I could tell your shirt apart drom your bra"Ruffnut mumbled.

April didn't hear her and contunied to talk about how much the shirt cost and where to buy the outfit from.

"So April.." I said cutting her off, before my ears bled too death"did you want to talk about something?"

"Oh yeah when I come over too your house and work on the project?

How about ....When pigs fly I thought

"How about the Monday after Snoulout's party?"

" That'll work", she said" well.. I gotta go. Briannas waiting. Bye girls."

"Ooh I cant stand her!" Ruffnut said. "She going to be a even bigger nightmare now isnt she?

"Wouldn't  be April of she wasn't"

"Who's April?" Asked Heather, once again remknding me of her presence.

"You dont wanna know" I said, chosing to let her stay innocent.

One thing was for certain it was going to be long year.

A/n: Hey guys! How'd you like the chapter? Next chapter party scence, so grab your party hats, put on your best shirt or dress and get ready to blow the roof off! Also yall go check on @luvtoread_write her story is on fire over there!

Peace out fangirls- @demigodintheheart

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