Chapter Eleven - Cranberry Juice

Start from the beginning

Guinevere left without finishing her previous sentence.

Doyle sighed. "You will drink it."

"I will not."

"Trust me, Drake," Jace said, moving to the side of the bed from where he'd been sat. "Blood tastes good."

"Oh, yeah, how'd you know that?"

He grinned. "Because it tastes good with a rare cooked steak."

I rolled my eyes.

"Plus, you've already drank a glass."

I felt green. "Don't remind me."

Then he repeated his sentence over and over, grinning like a loon until Sabien tapped him on the back of his head.

"Remember what you told me before?" Sabien said. "About the difference between the niveus and niveramia?"

"Unfortunately." The text book had said that the niveramia must drink everyday. Like a vampire. "I'm a vampire."

"No," Dr. Louis said. "To be a vampire, you would have to be undead. You, however, are alive. And if I am right, a niveramia."

At that moment, Michael walked in with his shadow. They both paused and stared.

"I'm not going to leave this room if everybody keeps doing that!"

"Doing what?" Michael asked, coming closer.


"Well, get used to it."

"What? No."

"Trust me, Jasmine, you are going to get a lot of stares in the near future," Michael paused. "Have you seen yourself yet?"

"I've only just woken," I said, turning to the doctor. "How long was I out?"

"Five days," Dr. Louis replied as though it was nothing. "In which you finished your transition from being like a dhampire to niveramia. Now, drink."

I looked at the glass and felt my throat burn at me to obey.

"Either that or your friends," the doctor snapped.

Heaving a sigh, I decided to lie to myself. Looking at my friends, I muttered my lie. "It's cranberry juice. It's cranberry juice..."

Downing the drink as quickly as I could, I coughed at the end as I felt my eyes tingle once again as they watered. "The weirdest thing? Is that the blood is actually taste nice. But why from a glass?"

"Do you really want to bite your friends?" the doctor asked me.

I looked at them then looked back at the doctor when I replied. "I guess not."

Dr. Louis then handed me another glass, water this time. "You'll be able to drink it now you've had some blood."

"How much blood will I need to drink a day?"

"If you wish, you can have some with your breakfast, then again at lunch."

"While I'm eating?" Mental revulsion rose, but my body liked the idea.

The doctor smirked. "Just think of it as cranberry juice."

I glared at him. "Come on, I'm being serious."

"As was I."

"We'll discuss Jasmine's feeding when it comes to it," Michael spoke up. "Her hunger may be strong or weak, we won't know until she needs more. Today can be a trial for that. Now, back to my original question. Have you seen yourself?"

"No," I replied.

Michael gestured the hospitals bathroom where there was probably a mirror. Just as I started climb off the bed, I paused, I was so not going to parade around naked. No way.

A shirt dangled to my side, I took it and smelt Doyle's wild scent. I heard a growl that was cut short from Marc. Pulling it on, I realised there was a bonus with Doyle being so much taller and broader than me, the shirt fell like a mini dress around me. Not something I would wear, but it was better that than naked.

"Thanks," I mumbled, sliding off the bed.

I glanced at them, they were all looking anywhere but me so that even though I was covered, I didn't have to worry about flashing them anything.


Walking for the bathroom, I felt surprisingly strong for someone who'd been asleep for five days. Closing the bathroom door behind me, I walked up to the mirror and touched my – her face.



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