Chapter Three - Different

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Chapter Three – Different

"Most niveus think themselves as royalty. The highest and best of all the species, the only exception being the niveramia. I'm not saying all the niveus are that bad, the ones in this academy are pretty cool with the shifters," Sabien ranted as we continued walking, he paused for a second. "I hate Tyler anyway, he thinks he can get away with murder because of who his family is. And because of that, he thinks he can start on you." He looked at me. "Sorry, he just really pisses me off."

I tried to hide my smile. "I can tell. Thank you." Even though I could have taken him. "What did you mean you could see he was afraid, I thought you said you could only see bonds between people."

"Tyler tries to bully those his scared off, but then, he does do it for fun as well."

So he'd seen Tyler's body language, not emotions. "Phew, there was me thinking that you were an empath or something. That's close to telepathy in my book."

He smiled.

"Hey guys," Jace pushed Erik out the way and threw his arm over my shoulder.

A growl came from behind, but I couldn't tell who it was from. But it had been deep, and threatening. But I knew I didn't have to worry about my being attacked. Why should I be worried about being attacked with shifters, niveus's, and dhampire's prowling around? Then Marc and Jack came into view. Out of the two, I was guessing that the growl from from Marc.

"Hey," Erik, Sabien and I replied at the same time.

"Hey, Sabien," Marc greeted. "Hows the other side?"

"I can't think of a word strong enough," Sabien replied, understanding what Marc was talking about. "Especially for Tyler."

"Why?" Marc asked. "What's he done now?"

"He's decided that Drake is his new victim," Erik told them.

Marc growled. Yea... that was the same growl I'd heard a minute ago.

"Sabien made him back off though," Erik continued.

"For now," I added.

The rest of break went quickly, and most students didn't bother leaving the corridor. I was by myself in my next lesson, French with Mr. Craft, but it wasn't so bad. The other students were helpful when they realised that I sucked at speaking other languages. I could get the accent fine, it was the actual words that I struggled with. Male, female, the thousand-and-one verbs.

Reaching the table in the main hall after French, I plopped myself between Marc and Jace.

"What's up, Drake?" Marc asked, pushing a tray in front of me.

"Thanks. I suck at French. You know, the language that the whole country speaks." The Academy was set in Brittany which was in the north-west of France.

"You may suck at it, Drake," a guy who'd been in my class said as he passed. "But you gave us a lesson of entertainment."

I glared at him, then grinned to show I didn't mean it. "Bully."

He winked then walked away.

"I'll teach you," Sabien said.

"No, no, no. I've decided that if I ever go out, I'm dragging one of you guys along."

They laughed.

"Hows your first day been so far?" Marc asked a couple of minutes later as conversation started up around the table.

"Different." That was an understatement. It had been so different I'd been wondering whether I was dreaming. But I knew I wasn't, because at the same time it felt too real to be a dream.

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