The Lie Begins

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Lady Heena walked in to accompany her downstairs, but halted once she saw Sherry.

"My God child!" she sighed, her aged eyes smiling into Sherry's' who was suddenly pretty self-conscious. She was used to people saying she was beautiful, and today she thought the curse was a blessing. She would serve her purpose here and repay her debt to Nick.

Sherry knew she could do it and took a deep breath, waiting outside the ballroom. She had not seen Nick at all since the episode at the stable. She wondered if he was angry. Come on, he should know that she will act her part in public. Sherry shook her head again.

Once she heard her name, she froze for a few minutes, took in a deep breath and when Heena offered her arm, eyes comforting, she gladly took it. This was it!

"You have grown cold my child." Heena whispered in her ear and patted her on the hand, Sherry grabbed a hold of herself and gave her most amazing smile.

Heena walked her to the center stage where Nick was standing....damn it he looked hot in the royal blue manly. But what was more captivating was the way that Nick was looking at her. Sherry did notice all the beautiful women in the room. But Nick was looking at her as though she was the only one in the whole wide world. Sherry could feel her heat beat faster as she walked to stand by his side. It was as though there was no one but them, looking at each other.

Someone coughed and got Sherry out of her daze. It was Nick's father who winked at them both.

"My family and friends, I am proud to announce that my beloved son, Hridaan has finally decided to settle down and I am more than proud to announce that it is with this beautiful Lady over here" he said, motioning gracefully to Sherry.

Everyone in the room cheered and looked at Sherry adoringly, well, Sherry could see resentment in some of the ladies' eyes.

"Well, please enjoy the celebrations and wish the happy couples a most happy life together" he said and everyone cheered.

The party was in full swing and Sherry had never been introduced to that many people before. She had no doubt she forget about most of them. But she held her head high and smiled where she had to. Nick was always by her side, but never talking. She could feel that he was angry, but what was it about the way he looked at her earlier?

"Hridaan" someone shouted from behind and they both turned to a gorgeous girl, olive skinned and well-endowed with shining black hair. She was bestowing a big smile onto Nick, who reciprocated.

"Sia!" he went in for a big hug that seemed to last a lifetime. When they finally parted, Nick introduced her. "Sia, meet my to be fiancée, Sherry, and Sherry, meet my friend, Sia. She is the daughter of one of the clan leaders."

The little girl looked up and her dark eyes narrowed. Sherry sensed resentment, but she knew she had no reason to resent her.

She suddenly gave her a brightening smile and asked "would you mind if I steal him for a moment?" Sia asked and without waiting for an answer from either Nick or Sherry, she dragged him into the crowd, lost to Sherry.

Sherry continued to greet people coming towards her and soon, Heena was by her side, talking business with different clan heads.

"That's a good idea. It could really improve the economy of Mahar" Al Kadish leader said, an old plump middle aged man.

"Yes, I am glad the people are being accommodating with Hridaan's ideas" Heena said, her love for her nephew obvious in her voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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